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Showing posts from January, 2014

MBBS degree-holders are on streets...Save them.

Over 50000 MBBS students graduating every year from 385 medical colleges across the country undergo the stressful-uncertain phase of their life.   Nearly two lakh young doctors in our country spend 2-5 years in coaching after successfully completing five years of MBBS, mugging MCQs  rather than treating patients and learning the art of healing." Reason: There are just 23000 postgraduate seats for which they all have to fight, this includes the candidates passed in previous batches. Over 6,000 seats lie in non-clinical subjects like forensics, anatomy, physiology and biochemistry which don’t interest youngsters due to “less return”. In the US  for 19,000 undergraduate seats,there are  32,000 postgraduate seats. UK also has same ratio. Lazy Myopic policy: After independence, India adopted “undergraduate education” as the basic education based on Dr Joseph Bhore Committee’s report(in 1943) to tackle the health issues (Communicable diseases which can be manage...

any cell become stem cell ...

Add acid to any cell-blood or skin cells.Lo,you will get  "pluripotent" stem cells - which can develop into any of the specialised tissues of the body. The scientists believe that the acidity of the solution created a "shock" that caused the blood cells of adult mice to revert to their original, embryonic-like state. From this pluripotent state, the newly created stem cells were cultured in specially prepared solutions of growth factors to develop into fully mature cells, including an entire foetus.  the really intriguing thing to discover will be the mechanism underlying how a low pH shock triggers reprogramming. And why it does not happen when we eat lemon or vinegar or drink cola?"

Fetal DNA testing in PCPNDT Act purview ...

What is cell-free fetal DNA testing? The sophisticated blood test examines fetal DNA in the maternal bloodstream to determine whether baby is at risk of certain chromosomal disorders like  Down syndrome , extra sequences of chromosome 13 (trisomy 13), extra sequences of chromosome 18 (trisomy 18) or a sex chromosome abnormality, such as Turner syndrome. The testing can also be used to determine a baby's sex and rhesus (Rh) blood type. How it can be misused for sex determination? The test analyzes fetal DNA found in a mother's blood. The presence of Y chromosome confirms the sex of the fetus as male. Why the scope of PCPNDT Act needs to be broadened? More sophisticated techniques for sex determination using modern technology of DNA-based diagnosis are developed which use a pregnant mother's blood, or placental cells collected via cervix to detect the presence of Y chromosome in the fetal cells. Hence there is need to broaden the scope of the PCPDNT Act.

Biology behind yoga

(Science behind YOGA Techniques- Meditation,pranayaama and aasana) Are you under stress to treat your patients with stress? here is authentic findings by one american institute about stress busting by yoga. Eons back,our seers found immense benefits at physical,mental,emotional and spiritual levels with meditation or Dhyana. In modern times innumerable studies were found the usefulness of meditation at brain function level and in dealing with balancing of voluntary and involuntary reflex system in neural level. Now  Scientists are getting close to proving what yogis have held to be true for centuries—yoga and meditation can ward off stress and disease. Researchers  now showing by using neuroimaging and genome analysis, how so-called mind-body techniques can switch on and off some genes linked to stress and immune function. Participants come into the lab for weekly instruction for two months, followed by three sessions where they answer questionnaires, give blood samples...

Be ware.Real estate bubble going to break.

Majority Indians feels   that real estate prices never fall.   majority of real estate players feels,even though  there is a real estate bubble in India but that bubble would never burst   We all know what happened in the United States after 2006. every one argues that indian population is raising but land never,they argue,real estate prices never fall. one research analysis found, that there is enough land to house India's huge population. “If you place 1.2 billion people in four-person homes of 1000 square feet each, and two workers of the family into office/factory space of 400 square feet, this requires roughly 1% of India’s land area assuming an FSI(floor space index) of  just 1. so,There is absolutely no shortage of land to house the great Indian population.   The reasons behind why the Indian real estate bubble is unsustainable.  Indian real estate has now become totally unaffordable. the average users have to sell t...

Why & How to apply the preaching of Gita to our daily work?

How one should deliver his duty? మనిషి తన బాధ్యతలను ఎలా నిర్వర్తించాలి ?  Lord Krishna talks to Arjuna in Bhagavad Gita Chapter 2 Verse 50 about  “Yogah Karmasu Kaushalam”  –   యోగ కర్మాసు కౌశలం  Yoga is excellence at work.  We have to perform our allocated duty in an excellent manner with Kaushalam. what is meant by Kaushalam?  Is it mere skill? No.  The skill should be entwined with dedication of body and mind towards work with an attitude of detachment for the benefits or sorrows, emanating from that work. To execute the work one should have knowledge. is it enough?  No. one should also have wisdom. What is the difference between knowledge and wisdom?   Knowledge is mere learning  and understanding the issue.  To assimilate and analyse with logic and intelligence and apply that to present day circumstances in various occasions – family,community,social and political platforms, is wi...

Donate to IMA medical trust building at Tirupati.

Dear friends ,you all know,under the able and sincere leadership of Dr.N.Appa R ao,IMA is constructing one of the best medical association buildings at the abode of Lord Venkateswara. Its a great privilege for all medical fraternity to contribute their might through their branches to make our association's dream come true. Already the skeleton work is completed for G+ 3 Stairs ,and we are very much pleased to show the progress to our members. In this connecion,IMA, requesting all members to donate what ever they think fit for this greater common cause ...Let the lord Balaji bless One and all. you can kindly send donations through your local branch or can directly contact Dr.N.Appa rao@ 9848180172.

Code of Ethics Regulations, 2002 (AMENDED UPTO DECEMBER 2010) (Published in Part III, Section 4 of the Gazette of India, dated 6th April,2002)

what is meant by administrative agency or body? An administrative agency is a body of government created by a legislature and has the power of supervision and regulation of a particular area of governmental concern. can govt agencies or bodies have the power to decide the rights of parties? As a general rule, only courts of law have the authority to decide controversies that affect individual rights. One major exception to this general rule is the power of an a dministrative Agency  to make decisions concerning the rights of parties.  in which there are hearings, orders, judgments or other activities similar to those conducted by courts. this type of power is called as quasi judicial. Part of the regulatory power given to an administrative agency is the power of adjudication. what is meant by quasi judicial authority? Quasi-judicial activity is limited to the issues that concern the particular administrative agency. Quasi-judicial action by an administrative agency m...

Is aadhar concept right?

The Union government is creating one huge data bank of every individual’s fingerprints, facial image and iris scan. As we speak, UIDAI is fingerprinting our future prime ministers, chief justices, leaders, decision-makers and far more sinister, each and every citizen and indeed resident of India. govt supports the aadhar concept for the following reasons.                                                               = a right to an identity .  Aadhaar when linked to credits into a bank account will prevent the huge leakages that undermine social welfare spending.   UIDAI expects a range of applications and technologies to evolve about the Aadhaar platform that will dramatically improve our daily lives and be supremely convenient to both businesses and consumers.  Aadhaar is ‘Post its’ plus cellphones ...

Coastal Andhra 2040?

what is the fate of coastal lands?for example coastal andhra? increasing pollution &  migrating population! Industrial activity is not the only problem that is going to ail the andhra  coast.  Increasing tourism will push the sensitive coastal ecosystem to the brink. Sea level rise because of global warming will have a disastrous effect on this low-lying country. scenario1. the coast has been bereft of fish, forcing the fishermen  to venture deep into the sea. To aggravate their plight, groundwater is turning undrinkable. The residents who barely make their subsistence now buy drinking water. scenario2. thermal power plants discharge warm wastewater into the sea. Numerous urban centres, commercial and industrial hubs and tourist spots dot the 1,000 kilometre-long coastline along the Bay of Bengal The region is developing like never before with 40 ports, 10 thermal power plants and 100  fishing harbours,  special economic zones,  sever...

2014- New technologies that made every thing wearable.

Future technology make the man king of machines that too of the size of his nails. The driverless cars, flying internet balloons and Google Glass may make you feel that you are a step closer to science fiction; where world of technology is filled with limitless possibilities.  But there are other lesser known technologies that can give you the same feel. Imagine a micro robot traversing your blood stream killing cancerous cells, a nanofiber maze that can filter sea water for drinking purpose, the technology where data can be stored in your DNA— feeling as if you are in a wormhole to future? But they are happening right now.  1.we can print our own batteries which are thinner than our hair. 2. men and women can wear music players as ear studs . 3. are you wondering how our smart phones beating the PC. Now see the Nanocomputer -  Roughly the size of a pinhead, this nano-computer has two processors, a camera, and a pressure sensor as well as a wireless transmitter an...

In search of bliss...

what is the most important pursuit of man? Man seeks happiness and is in continuous futile pursuit of happiness. continuous longing for little more what you have already. continuous pursuit for things what others have. When would man get happiness? Man gets the happiness when he functions to his full potential. How could  the man discover  real happiness i.e. Ananda? until man remembers the real truth he couldn't transform as  ananda. please note,its not discovering or inventing or remembering. Its just becoming or transforming as ananda. Man transform as ananda and vice versa. if man  aspires to evolve and grow,shed all the luggage of pre-assumptions in his mind. he has to search for the real truth on his own capacity of  discretion . live life what it really is. Be in present moment. Entwine with that moment. Soak in that moment. when you are aware that you became as that  moment, don't be assume or presume or think for next moment. Be in...

Future Medicine- jan-2014

How the future technologies mould the medical industry? Nanoscaling,biotechnology and chip technology - are going to play very crucial role and these scalable technologies make the healthcare affordable and accessible to even remote villagers. for ex:  1. a chemical sensor, akin to the human nose, t o track chemical markers in your breath. is based on the same principles as the human nose: use one sensor to measure all ~300 chemicals in the breath, and identify a chemical fingerprint based on previously programmed information. That is, during its developmental phase, the chemical sensor is being exposed to chemical combinations that indicate various disorders.That there are approximately 1-5 chemicals per disorder, and that the sensor should be capable of identifying more than one disease at a time, similarly to how the human nose can identify more than one scent at a time. doctor . When Mr Vivek, awoke with a swollen knee after a night out with friends, he knew he s...

Wound care in new age

What does the next generation of wound care products look like? The technologies of the future will remain focused on managing drainage and infection, while continuing to stimulate the granulation process of chronic and acute wounds. is there any new type of drug delivery technology? a hydrogel technology that can be utilized for drug delivery.Hydrogels that can be used as a transdermal patch technology to transport several types of therapeutic agents into the bloodstream. Any new products basing on hydrogel technology? Hydress ® , a hydrogel dressing for dry to low-exuding wounds that provides a moist wound environment ideal for healing;  Silverseal ® , a silver hydrogel dressing for infected wounds or wounds that are at risk of infection that provides the moist wound healing benefits of hydrogel;  sorbion sachet S and sana gentle , dressings that offer cost-effective management of wounds that are draining thanks to their outstanding absorption and retention prope...