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2014- New technologies that made every thing wearable.

Future technology make the man king of machines that too of the size of his nails.
The driverless cars, flying internet balloons and Google Glass may make you feel that you are a step closer to science fiction; where world of technology is filled with limitless possibilities. 

But there are other lesser known technologies that can give you the same feel. Imagine a micro robot traversing your blood stream killing cancerous cells, a nanofiber maze that can filter sea water for drinking purpose, the technology where data can be stored in your DNA— feeling as if you are in a wormhole to future? But they are happening right now. 

1.we can print our own batteries which are thinner than our hair. and women can wear music players as ear studs.
3. are you wondering how our smart phones beating the PC. Now see the Nanocomputer - Roughly the size of a pinhead, this nano-computer has two processors, a camera, and a pressure sensor as well as a wireless transmitter and antenna. The whole thing is powered by a tiny solar cell.
4. Pharmacologists have identified a chemical called d-methionine which can prevent noise-induced hearing loss which is a commonality in urban construction workers.  So, soon there will be pills to protect your ears from the acoustic torment of a jackhammer.
5. Graphene supercapacitors could lead to the electric car of your dreams.
The next big thing in automobiles is electric vehicles.  Imagine an electric car that could give you couple hundred miles, then gets fully charged in one minute. Graphene super capacitors are what will make this possible. A supercapacitor can hold as much power as a battery, but they charge far more quickly. As graphene is no longer cost-prohibitive to manufacture at large scale, grapheme super capacitors could easily end up in our phones, laptops, and basically anything that runs on a battery.
6. A cancer-killing computer chip that  could live in a patient's bloodstream.
It’s a "microfluidic" chip, covered in long strands of DNA. The DNA is sort of programmed to detect and pick the cancerous cells, which can be used to study first, and if there is need to launch an attack on these cells, more microfluidic chips can be put into blood stream. 
7.You can store data in DNA. So forget silicon ships, the next revolution of data storage can come from bio chips. 
