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Why & How to apply the preaching of Gita to our daily work?

How one should deliver his duty? మనిషి తన బాధ్యతలను ఎలా నిర్వర్తించాలి ? 
Lord Krishna talks to Arjuna in Bhagavad Gita Chapter 2 Verse 50 about 
“Yogah Karmasu Kaushalam” –  యోగ కర్మాసు కౌశలం 
Yoga is excellence at work. 
We have to perform our allocated duty in an excellent manner with Kaushalam.

what is meant by Kaushalam?  Is it mere skill? No.
 The skill should be entwined with dedication of body and mind towards work with an attitude of detachment for the benefits or sorrows, emanating from that work.

To execute the work one should have knowledge. is it enough?
 No. one should also have wisdom.
What is the difference between knowledge and wisdom? 
Knowledge is mere learning  and understanding the issue. 
To assimilate and analyse with logic and intelligence and apply that to present day circumstances in various occasions – family,community,social and political platforms, is wisdom.
Combining the executive efficiency with social efficiency and transform brute efficiency into humanized efficiency.

why knowledgable persons failed in their duty?
Majority people failed to convert knowledge into wisdom.
So, how to attain wisdom?
through the practice of yoga. 
It means that yoga should be the technique of doing work. so,what is yoga?
Yoga literally means Yukta (united) with self. 
What is self?
Self is void to our gross senses.
self' also called as atman.
 scientifically speaking, it is principal constant with out any polarity.
 Its subtlest of  subtle. Can’t perceivable with mind&sense apparatus. 
When the self’ is not perceived by mind,how can we believe? because belief depends on mind!
Here our seers advises us , to do dhyana to know the self.

what does it mean by knowing the self?
its just  remembering our  real Reality.
what is the real Reality?
Self neither wither nor perish. it has no property or character. 
It has no frequency&vibration.
It has no perception. no pain or pleasure.
Its neither positive nor negative.
what is mind?
mind is Bio-electro-chemical energy. the gross form of mind is brain. (the body-mind component is gross form of atma.).Mind is thoughts in wave form. we used to have 60000 thoughts per day on average. mind also has the function to store  and recollect(memory).
 Mind will do analysis,recognition,perception.
Mind is like any other mixed sensory-motor organ.
Mind is composite work place of external(outer,విషయ ) and internal (birth instincts,వాసనలు ) signals.
by studying the horoscope we can know about the internal signals.
by studying the genome we can know the signals at cellular level.

Adi sankara propagated a concept, that our mind is Maya. Maya means veil. its a veil of sponge. it perceives all events,incidents and attaches  to them.
if we remove the veil,our horizon(Consciousness) will be  vast. 
until one can remove the veil,we are in half reality,believing it as total reality.we used to move in otherwise called as myth.(మిధ్య ).
How to remove the veil of mind? 
we have to learn and train to see through the mind with detachment.
as long  as ego is strong,attachment manifests in 6 ways-(desire,anger,greed,,jealousy etc with two basic tendencies of like and dislike).
once we subdue our ego,detachment supervenes. 

The powerful and subtlest part of the mind is ‘Ego. when the Ego limits itself to "false self" (body-mind),its called as selfish. when it expands its horizon its called universal and the highest pinnacle of expansion is known as self-realization.

With ego , we have dvanda’ (like &dislike/ pain&pleasure) feelings.
Yoga means annihilation of means overcoming the mind. 

Yogastha kuru karmani sangang tyaktva Dhananjaya l
Sidhyasidhyoh samo bhutva samatvang yoga uchyate .
యోగస్థ కురుకర్మాణి సంగన్ త్యక్త్వ ధనంజయా
సిధ్యా సిధ్యో సమో భుత్వా సమత్వంగ్ యోగ ఉచ్యతే  .

Be steady in yoga, Arjun, do whatever you must do; 
give up attachment, be indifferent to failure and success. 
This stability (samatva-buddhi) is yoga. 
When one attains balanced state of mindset,that is yoga.

Durena hyabarang karma buddhiyogat Dhananjaya l
Buddhau saranamanviccha kripana phalahetaba ll 2/49

--- Selfish work is inferior to the work of a balanced uncoveting mind; shelter yourself in this mental stability (samatva-buddhi), Arjuna. Seekers of the fruits of action will be harassed..

If one seeks fruits, chance of pain and harassment will be there.
If you are with uncoveting mind set, you will over come both pain and pleasure.
By the constant practice only, one can attain balanced mind set.

Buddhiyukto jahatiha ubhe sukritadushkrite l
Tasmadyogaya yujyaswa yogah karmasu kaushalam ll 2/50

so,with balanced state of mind one can do work. 
don't be elated with  sukrita (good deeds) and don't be depressed with duskrita (ill deeds). 
our only one goal is  self-realization.

 What is meant by realization?
Its just remembering the forgotten aspect of the Truth. as long as we limited our awareness to body-mind complex, we will see the  incomplete truth other wise called as maya or illusion.

What is Sama budhi –justice to one and all.
seeing the incidents with out any disturbance in the mind. 
Looking at everyone and everything with the same eye.

'Yoga is the philosophy of life and action capable of ensuring individual and collective welfare. It makes one work without discrimination and with equality achieving samatva (Justice).The samatva-buddhi or stability is yoga.

How to attain Yoga? 
By the practice of  purity of body-mind and concentration and focusing of mind through the techniques of body ,breath and mind control,which will give  single-minded devotion and insight and understanding.' this is called as yoga saadhana.

How to choose the work and responsibility?
Seeing every work weather it can be useful to get  reality(self-realization) or not? Developing the capability of making a choice between, relevant and irrelevant and choose the self-realization as the only guiding factor in determining the action. Remember, Any work is not work. Selfish work is inferior to the community work. working towards self realization is holier  than community work.

How a doctor should be?
A doctor should be like raajarshi. (king+sage)

Who is king? Who is sage?
one who pleases his subjects with power, efficiency and responsibility  is called a king.( రంజితశ్చ ప్రజా సర్వస్తేన రాజేతి శబ్ద యతే ).
On the other hand, the principal quality of a sage is his wisdom. A Rajarshi therefore has the power and efficiency of a king and the wisdom of a Rishi.

Yatra yogeshwara Krishno yatra Partho dhanurdharah l
Jatra srirvijayo bhutirdhruba nitirmatirmama ll 18/78.
: if the doctor  can transform himself into a Rajarshi, with the  qualities of both Krishna and Arjun ,he will sure to  achieve loka sangraha by  becoming a role model to the society..

What is loka sangraha?
Lokasamgraha is holding together of people in the way of Dharma.

Lord Buddha, while lying on his deathbed, was asked by Ananda, his disciple,
'Lord, after your departure who should we go to clear our doubts?'
Buddha said, 'Atmano Deepo Bhava' (Be like a lamp; be a light unto thyself).

That people without wisdom work for self. Wise people work for others. 
