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Fetal DNA testing in PCPNDT Act purview ...

What is cell-free fetal DNA testing?
The sophisticated blood test examines fetal DNA in the maternal bloodstream to determine whether baby is at risk of certain chromosomal disorders like Down syndrome, extra sequences of chromosome 13 (trisomy 13), extra sequences of chromosome 18 (trisomy 18) or a sex chromosome abnormality, such as Turner syndrome. The testing can also be used to determine a baby's sex and rhesus (Rh) blood type.
How it can be misused for sex determination?
The test analyzes fetal DNA found in a mother's blood. The presence of Y chromosome confirms the sex of the fetus as male.
Why the scope of PCPNDT Act needs to be broadened?
More sophisticated techniques for sex determination using modern technology of DNA-based diagnosis are developed which use a pregnant mother's blood, or placental cells collected via cervix to detect the presence of Y chromosome in the fetal cells. Hence there is need to broaden the scope of the PCPDNT Act.
