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Biology behind yoga

(Science behind YOGA Techniques- Meditation,pranayaama and aasana)
Are you under stress to treat your patients with stress? here is authentic findings by one american institute about stress busting by yoga.
Eons back,our seers found immense benefits at physical,mental,emotional and spiritual levels with meditation or Dhyana.
In modern times innumerable studies were found the usefulness of meditation at brain function level and in dealing with balancing of voluntary and involuntary reflex system in neural level.
Now Scientists are getting close to proving what yogis have held to be true for centuries—yoga and meditation can ward off stress and disease.
Researchers  now showing by using neuroimaging and genome analysis, how so-called mind-body techniques can switch on and off some genes linked to stress and immune function.
Participants come into the lab for weekly instruction for two months, followed by three sessions where they answer questionnaires, give blood samples used for genomic analysis and undergo neuro-imaging tests.
1. Meditation enhance the expression of genes involved in energy metabolism and insulin secretion and reduce expression of genes linked to inflammatory response and stress.
2. Just 12 minutes of daily yoga meditation for eight weeks increased telomerase activity by 43%, suggesting an arresting of  stress-induced aging. (research on the telomerase immortality enzyme, which slows the cellular aging process by  Nobel Prize winner Elizabeth Blackburn).

so,its once again authentically proved that Yoga and meditation are tools for enabling us to swim in difficult waters.

WHO  estimates stress costs US companies at least $300 billion a year through absenteeism, turn-over and low productivity.
