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In search of bliss...

what is the most important pursuit of man?
Man seeks happiness and is in continuous futile pursuit of happiness.
continuous longing for little more what you have already.
continuous pursuit for things what others have.
When would man get happiness?
Man gets the happiness when he functions to his full potential.
How could  the man discover  real happiness i.e. Ananda?
until man remembers the real truth he couldn't transform as  ananda.
please note,its not discovering or inventing or remembering.
Its just becoming or transforming as ananda.
Man transform as ananda and vice versa.

if man  aspires to evolve and grow,shed all the luggage of pre-assumptions in his mind.
he has to search for the real truth on his own capacity of  discretion .
live life what it really is. Be in present moment. Entwine with that moment. Soak in that moment.
when you are aware that you became as that  moment, don't be assume or presume or think for next moment.
Be in present moment.
Live life moment by moment.
Why man perceive every extraordinary event and every chance as superstitious?
average man's nature gravitate towards sensations that could gratify his fascinations and wonders.they always think that all unusual events,unexpected events will be occured as per the  culmination of directions of extra ordinary power'.that is the pity of humanity. man never believes his strength. he always believes others -others opinions,other's wishes.he always tries to impress others.
if you want to evolve and grow,Don't go away and Dont sway with unrealistic thoughts&emotions.
