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Showing posts from May, 2013

It seems MOH wants to nullify MBBS course in our country?

Even though, the Parliamentary panel raps the proposal to introduce BSc (Community Health) course, union health ministry and NBE to go ahead and conduct BSc (Community Health) programme from 2013-14: Every one knows, that its undemocratic  and against the indian medical degrees act. On one side, the Planning Commission had mooted a proposal to set up medical colleges in each district during the 12th Plan Period, which  would automatically ensure that there would be more doctors and on the other side govt.planning to  make rural service mandatory for the young doctors passing out of the government medical institutes. 2.3 lac member strong IMA Vehemently objects.  Parliamentary panel raps the proposal. MCI doesn't show willingness to frame the syllabus. --- still,MOH wants to go ahead with B.Sc-CH!

Medical Admissions time Schedule extended...

Supreme Court extends medical course admissions -for admission to MBBS and postgraduate courses in all medical colleges across the country till July 31,which is against the court’s earlier directive that  the admissions had to be complete by May 31 but it became impossible in view of challenges made by some of the private medical colleges to the NEET  Test.

what is the future of medical fraternity? is MCI loosing its autonomosity?

High lights of The Indian Medical Council (Amendment) Bill, 2005: 1.The MCI shall now have one member for every 10 medical colleges in a state instead of one member from each university. The heads of four national level bodies will be exofficio members. 2.The percentage of elected members of MCI will decline from 69% to 54%. 3.the Bill gives the central government powers to override the decisions of the council, and even to dissolve the executive committee. 4. Total  elected members are reduced from 82 to  49 .Total nominated members 41 (Representatives from states 29 , Central government nominees 8,exofficio 4 ). So, total number reduced from 119 to 90. 5. executive comt.composed of - Total of 15 members: President, Vice President of MCI, the 4 ex officio members of MCI and 9 members elected by members of MCI from amongst themselves. 6. Making regulations: Every regulation made shall be subject to Parliamentary oversight. The central government may direct the MCI to make/ amend

IMA CWC news:28-5-13.

IMA is in favor of permitting individuals/groups , by giving only the moral support , to fight judicially against B.Sc community medicine course. IMA is in favor of establishing “Medical Tribunal” to solve the medico-legal cases in place of CPA act. More and more number of cases against doctors are filing year by year in courts and   the percentage of decisions against doctors are also   increasing enormously. IMA opines that the Indian medical fraternity never fears about medico legal hassles and facing the consequences of trials in court. What the fraternity wishes is quick disposal of cases and preventing mechanism for frivolous cases. 1.        The Medical tribunal can be a remedy for this burning nagging  issue by solving the cases on fast track mode and thus prevent the prolonged dragging of cases in courts, thus alleviating the mental tension and precious time of both the doctors and the complainants. 2.        The   cross opinion and the demands of   doctors are-


  New compound could protect from post-heart attack tissue damage : While the initial prolonged oxygen starvation in a heart attack itself damages tissue, most of the cell death occurs through reperfusion injury after medical intervention has unblocked major blood vessels supplying the heart. MitoSNO works by briefly ‘switching off’ the mitochondria in the first few minutes after blood flow is returned, preventing the deadly build-up of free-radicals. To achieve this, the compound is designed to accumulate inside heart mitochondria rapidly after its injection into the blood and temporarily modify some of the key proteins required for mitochondrial function. MitoSNO has to be  given by injection just before blood flow to the heart was restored. 70 nations seek action against cervical cancer. Every year 275,000 women die of cervical cancer. India alone accounts for 72,000 deaths from cervical cancer — more than any other country — while the highest mortality rates for the cancer

APPA's gift to young doctors... 50% Reduction in fee for IMA lifemembership ...No fees for Medicos

1 Life membership of IMA is discounted by 50% from 27-5-13. This chance is only for one year.All  doctors can utilise this rare opportunity.All local and state branches must strive hard to percolate this news and make each member enroll one new member. local branch secretary can establish enrollment desks at nearest medical colleges to enroll all Medicos (in to IMA student wing)with out taking any fees(the college itself should pay one time institutional subscription fee Rs.5000/- ) and join all post graduate doctors at discounted prices. 2.IMA strongly condemns the B.Sc-community medicine course and has taken decission to use all platforms to thwart any further proceedings of this course by the indian govt. 3.once again IMA H.Q. decided to sensitize all local &State branch secretaries to file cases against quacks. 4. National IMA Conference will be organized at Rajhamundry by IMA AP state. 5. The next 210th.CWC Meet will be organized at Jabalpur.


1.The simple Malaria test, which can be performed by a non-specialist health worker and does not need refrigerating like other tests, requires a sample of blood to be processed and placed in a test tube with a reactive powder then heated. If the malaria-causing Plasmodium parasites are present, the tube glows green. The whole process takes less than an hour. 2. A non-invasive blood glucose measurement device based on a photoacoustic spectroscopy technique, being developed by a team of researchers from the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Kharagpur

Elections to MCI on or before November 10th.-2013.

As we expected, our beloved President Sri.Pranab Mukherjee promulgated an ordinance on May 21 amending the Indian Medical Council Act 1956   to reconstitute the stop gap governors of MCI  and appointed Dr Rakesh Kumar Srivastava, a noted orthopaedic surgeon and former director general of health services (DGHS), as its new chairman. so that, the Board can exercise the powers of the Council till the central government is able to reconstitute the Council within 180 days i.e.on or before  November 10. The notable features of the ordinance: As per the new amendment---- 1.the composition of the Council,  provides for separate representation to the union territories and more representation to health universities, depending upon the number of medical colleges affiliated to them . so the new MCI will have more number of elected  members . 2.The term of president, vice president as well as an ordinary member will now be restricted to two years. 3.allowing  the NRI doctors to practice medi

Stop Sexual harassment...

What is rape? Any forceful sex against a woman's will, without consent or with consent but with thereat or cheating. Rape by relative, police official, armed staff, school/college staff, hospitals staff or those who are expected to be protector of the lady will be liable for rigorous imprisonment from a minimum of ten years up to the life with a heavy fine. What is Sexual harassment? Under section 354(A) (I) a man committing any of the following acts shall be guilty of sexual harassment. 1. Physical contact and advances involving unwelcome and explicit sexual overtures. 2. A demand or request for sexual favours. 3. Showing pornography against the will of a woman or 4. Making  remarks with sexual intonation. Any of the above acts will be liable for three to seven years imprisonment with fine. Creating an MMS or watching a woman in a private place will also land you in jail Any man who watches, or captures images of a woman engaging in a private act with someone or using a lavatory

Indian Medical education needs drastic Revamp...

Our country has largest number of medical colleges(168 govt&194 private,total 362) in the world.  More than 45,000 seats of MBBS  are available annually.(45629 as on 2013). As  the undergraduate medical training is much more expensive,  Developed countries  have exploited postgraduate training opportunities as a tool to attract young trained medical graduates from developing countries like India, to strengthen their own healthcare workforce.  In USA, the number of postgraduate (MD/MS) seats is almost double the numbers of the undergraduate (MBBS) seats. For 16,527 US medical school students, 26,772 positions of postgraduate residency training were available in 2012. But, in India, we observe the reverse scenario.for 45000 MBBS seats ,we have only 10000 clinical PG Seats.(pre,para and clinical seats totals to 22500). Suppose if we follow the USA and  increase the clinical PG Seats to 90000,  capitation fee will collapse and then the (medical education) industry will collapse.

Truth about Belly fat(Visceral Fat) & How to get rid of it???

Genes and  lifestyle ( physical inactivity and too much caloric intake )  determine how many fat cells you have -- and where those fat cells will settle. Fat is like real estate: It's all about location, location, location. We all have three kinds of fat: fat in our bloodstream (called  triglycerides ), subcutaneous fat (which lies just beneath the skin's surface), and omentum fat. Abdominal fat can be in  two locations-   dangerous  visceral  fat and problematic stubborn  subcutaneous  fat. on the cellular level, there are distinct differences between visceral and subcutaneous fat. subcutaneous fat cells have   alpha adrenoreceptors  (which inhibit lipolysis) and visceral fat cells have  more    beta adrenoreceptors  (which stimulate lipolysis). beta adrenoreceptors,  which, when triggered by certain signals (prompted by reduced calorie intake, for example), stimulate the cells to undergo lipolysis  .thats why visceral fat is  responsive to dieting,where as subcutane

How to be 100% Fit ?

Aim: 1.loose excess weight 2.perfect hip to waist ratio. 3.good body mass index. 4.brisk or power  walk for 1hour with out getting dyspnoea. How much minimum calories  our body needs ?  1200 to 1500 calories per day to survive depending  on gender and work.   -The heart needs 12% of the calories (144 cals) -The kidney needs 12% of the calories (144 cals) -The Liver needs 23% of the calories (276 cals) -The brain needs 23% of the calories (276 cals) -The skeletal muscle needs 30% of the calories (360 cals). Majority of people falling prey to fake and spurious products and opt for instant gimmicks advertised by numerous companies. Remember, consuming magic potions,herbal preparations,protein shakes under the name of dieting is dangerous to health.  crash diets doesn't yield sustainable results and  in fact  they imbalance the body physiological system,especially the immunity. consumption of food in small quantities with each meal consisting of  all roun

Another thumping Moral victory for Appa ji & IMA .

As the term of the MCI's Board of governors has ended by 13th.may,The Union Cabinet today gave its nod for the issue of an ordinance (likely to be issued by the President soon)  to pave the way for an elected body of the apex medical regulator. The need for issue of an ordinance came as the Indian Medical Council (Amendment) Bill, 2013, which allows for an elected apex medical regulator, is yet to be passed by Parliament even though it has been approved by the Cabinet. the controversial and objectionable clause in the new  The Indian Medical Council (Amendment) Bill, 2013 : Empowering the government  to remove (with out the consent of parliament) the President or other MCI office-bearers if they are found indulging in corrupt practices or serious offences of "moral turpitude". other features:  1.fixing tenure of the President of the elected-body of MCI to a maximum period of four years for two continuous terms.( Earlier, the MCI President could have a five-year ten


              Issued in the public interest by The Indian Medical Association                                                           Know your Hypertension Today                                     WORLD HYPERTENSION DAY- --- 17th. MAY                                            

wireless and remote physiological monitoring,

Measures * Heart Rate R-R Interval Respiration Rate ECG Activity Level Position Posture

Vaccination not only for children but also for for adult health too...

 all adults over 50 years need to maintain protection against conditions such as seasonal influenza (Flu); pneumococcal disease (pneumonia, sepsis, meningitis); Hepatitis B infection (for adults who have diabetes or are at risk for hepatitis B); tetanus, diphtheria and pertussis (for all adults who have not previously received this); and shingles (for adults 60 years and older).

Medi News:

India unveils first indigenous rotavirus vaccine Indian scientists on Tuesday unveiled the first completely indigenous and affordable vaccine to prevent severe rotavirus diarrhoea, which kills more than  1 lakh children  under five in India every year. However, commercial production of the vaccine would take some time as it is yet to get clearance from the Drug Controller General of India (DCGI). Rotavac is a oral vaccine administered to infants in a three-dose course at the ages of six, 10 and 14 weeks alongside routine immunisations recommended at these ages. Rs.2.5lac laparoscopic gastric bypass ( Metabolic surgery), a type of bariatric surgery, for morbidly obese Type 2 diabetics has been recently found to have anti-diabetic effects, pushing the disease into remission.  this resulted in weight loss in patients and remission of diabetes, high cholesterol level and hypertension.”  after surgery, patients did not require administration of insulin or medicines. “The sid