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APPA's gift to young doctors... 50% Reduction in fee for IMA lifemembership ...No fees for Medicos

1 Life membership of IMA is discounted by 50% from 27-5-13. This chance is only for one year.All  doctors can utilise this rare opportunity.All local and state branches must strive hard to percolate this news and make each member enroll one new member. local branch secretary can establish enrollment desks at nearest medical colleges to enroll all Medicos (in to IMA student wing)with out taking any fees(the college itself should pay one time institutional subscription fee Rs.5000/- ) and join all post graduate doctors at discounted prices.
2.IMA strongly condemns the B.Sc-community medicine course and has taken decission to use all platforms to thwart any further proceedings of this course by the indian govt.
3.once again IMA H.Q. decided to sensitize all local &State branch secretaries to file cases against quacks.
4.National IMA Conference will be organized at Rajhamundry by IMA AP state.
5. The next 210th.CWC Meet will be organized at Jabalpur.
