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what is the future of medical fraternity? is MCI loosing its autonomosity?

High lights of The Indian Medical Council (Amendment) Bill, 2005:
1.The MCI shall now have one member for every 10 medical colleges in a state instead of one member from each university. The heads of four national level bodies will be exofficio members.
2.The percentage of elected members of MCI will decline from 69% to 54%.
3.the Bill gives the central government powers to override the decisions of the council, and even to
dissolve the executive committee.
4.Total  elected members are reduced from 82 to  49.Total nominated members 41 (Representatives from states 29 , Central government nominees 8,exofficio 4 ). So, total number reduced from 119 to 90.
5.executive comt.composed of - Total of 15 members: President, Vice President of MCI, the 4 ex officio members of MCI and 9 members elected by members of MCI from amongst themselves.
6. Making regulations: Every regulation made shall be subject to Parliamentary oversight. The central government may direct the MCI to make/ amend/ revoke regulations and if it fails to comply, the government may do so itself.
7. The central government can dissolve the executive committee or dismiss the president, vice president or executive committee member if it is of the view that the persons concerned have failed in performing their duties or have not complied with the directions given by the central government in public interest.
High lights of new IMC Amendment ordinance-2013:
you all know,this was published in this blog on 24-5-13.please go through that post.
its just shadow boxing of MOH under the guise of restoration of democratic MCI.
All powers to make regulations,to give day to day directions and laying of rules is vested only with MOH .
MCI is just an any other  ordinary govt.department.
So, don't expect miracles.
from A.P.State how many members  are going to represent as elected members in MCI ?
from health university : 4 (40 medical colleges)
from graduates: 1
