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How to be 100% Fit ?

1.loose excess weight
2.perfect hip to waist ratio.
3.good body mass index.
4.brisk or power  walk for 1hour with out getting dyspnoea.

How much minimum calories  our body needs ?
 1200 to 1500 calories per day to survive depending 
on gender and work. 

-The heart needs 12% of the calories (144 cals)
-The kidney needs 12% of the calories (144 cals)
-The Liver needs 23% of the calories (276 cals)
-The brain needs 23% of the calories (276 cals)
-The skeletal muscle needs 30% of the calories (360 cals).

Majority of people falling prey to fake and spurious products and opt for instant gimmicks advertised by numerous companies.
Remember, consuming magic potions,herbal preparations,protein shakes under the name of dieting is dangerous to health. 
crash diets doesn't yield sustainable results and in fact they imbalance the body physiological system,especially the immunity.
consumption of food in small quantities with each meal consisting of  all round nutrients in good acceptable ratio.
                                     protein:fat:carb = 30:30:40
The recommendation is to have a good ratio of calories
40-50% from Carbs, 
25-35% from protein, 
20-30% from  fat.
 Under 2.5gr of sodium and over 25 grams of fiber. 

Tips to reach the goal:
  • Aerobic exercises: swimming,cycling,jogging,power walking,shuttle,tennis like games.
  • Stretching exercises: to strengthen  the ligaments,joints and tendons.
  • Power lifting : to tone up different muscle groups.
  • walking helps you build muscle and lose fat, while Crash dieting causes you to lose muscle and fat.
  • The amount of weight you lose when  walking depends on duration, your speed, weight, effort, metabolism, physical condition and the terrain.
  • cut 500 calories from your diet and walk to burn 500 calories per day to lose 2 lbs. per week.
  • Walk for at least 60 minutes every day.
  • Walk on different surfaces, such as the treadmill, the track, on beach sand and on pavement. Different surfaces will engage different muscles groups and help you burn more calories.
  • Walk up and down stairs to add resistance and to gain muscle strength. People with muscles burn more calories per day, even at rest.
  • Rely on your high metabolism to keep you trim.That means,  you simply MUST avoid losing muscle.The only way to keep your muscle is to keep eating (don’t starve yourself) and target only 1 to 1.5 pounds fat loss a week.
                                         Facts proven by R&D  about Fats:
  • In LDL,Two sub categories present. one is larger molecule and another is smaller one. only smaller category of LDL is dangerous to health.
  • "saturated fat intake results in an increase of larger category  LDL rather than smaller LDL particles,which are dangerous.
  • A diet heavy in full-fat cheese and butter without overloaded calories , doesn't harm  .
  • Eating fewer carbohydrates, losing weight, and engaging in more physical activity have all been shown to reduce small LDL.
  • Eat eggs and butter without any worry as they doesn’t promote smaller  LDL.
