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Truth about Belly fat(Visceral Fat) & How to get rid of it???

Genes and lifestyle ( physical inactivity and too much caloric intake ) determine how many fat cells you have -- and where those fat cells will settle.

Fat is like real estate: It's all about location, location, location.
We all have three kinds of fat: fat in our bloodstream (called triglycerides), subcutaneous fat (which lies just beneath the skin's surface), and omentum fat.

Abdominal fat can be in  two locations- dangerous visceral fat and problematic stubborn subcutaneous fat.on the cellular level, there are distinct differences between visceral and subcutaneous fat.
subcutaneous fat cells have  alpha adrenoreceptors (which inhibit lipolysis) and visceral fat cells have  more  beta adrenoreceptors (which stimulate lipolysis).
beta adrenoreceptors, which, when triggered by certain signals (prompted by reduced calorie intake, for example), stimulate the cells to undergo lipolysis .thats why visceral fat is responsive to dieting,where as subcutaneous fat is resistant to dieting induced lipolysis.
The below-the-waist fat cells are believed to produce a hormone that fights some of the heart-damaging effects of belly fat.
But, above the waist, Belly fat (indicates that  viceral organs surrounded fully by fat) doesn't just lay idle at your belt line. Researchers describe it as an active "organ" in your body -- one that churns out hormones and inflammatory substances.
The fat released from the omentum rapidly and constantly travels to your liver, unlike the fat on your thighs, which patiently waits. The processed material is then shipped to the arteries,
"Abdominal fat is thought to break down easily into fatty acids, which flow directly into the liver and into muscle," .When these excess fatty acids drain into the liver, they trigger a chain reaction of changes -increasing the production of LDL 'bad' cholesterol and triglycerides& insulin resistance .
The more omentum fat /visceral fat  you have, the less adiponectin you produce.
Remember, Leptin is hunger-controlling hormone .
Adiponectin is a stress- and inflammation-reducing chemical.

As fat cells break down, chemicals released ,which act as very powerful "cell-proliferating agents,".Thats why more incidence of cancer with obesity.
And research shows that abdominal fat triggers a change in angiotensin, a hormone that controls blood vessel constriction -- increasing the risk of high blood pressure, stroke, and heart attack.
Indeed, belly fat is a key indicator of "metabolic syndrome," a cluster of abnormalities that include high levels of blood sugar, blood pressure, and triglycerides, as well as low levels of "good" HDL cholesterol. This combination of risks has an impact on mortality from heart disease.
So,What to do ?
1.Exercisewhat ever activity you choose to burn the calories,it should be enjoyable to you.otherwise you won't maintain it. And unless you persist at it, it won't help you lose weight."
2.Build Muscle:Our bodies constantly burn calories, even when we’re doing nothing. This resting metabolic rate is much higher in people with more muscle. Every pound of muscle uses about 6 calories a day just to sustain itself, while each pound of fat burns only 2 calories daily. That small difference can add up over time. In addition, after a bout of resistance training, muscles are activated all over your body, increasing your average daily metabolic rate.
3.Gear up the BMR : High-intensity exercise delivers a bigger, longer increase in resting metabolic rate than low- or moderate-intensity workout
4. Eat small quantities  more often and drink water more often, consume fiber rich vegetables, high protein diet,moderate amount of black coffee and plenty of green tea.
