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Medi News:

Indian scientists on Tuesday unveiled the first completely indigenous and affordable vaccine to prevent severe rotavirus diarrhoea, which kills more than 1 lakh children under five in India every year.
However, commercial production of the vaccine would take some time as it is yet to get clearance from the Drug Controller General of India (DCGI).
Rotavac is a oral vaccine administered to infants in a three-dose course at the ages of six, 10 and 14 weeks alongside routine immunisations recommended at these ages.
Rs.2.5lac laparoscopic gastric bypass (Metabolic surgery), a type of bariatric surgery, for morbidly obese Type 2 diabetics has been recently found to have anti-diabetic effects, pushing the disease into remission. this resulted in weight loss in patients and remission of diabetes, high cholesterol level and hypertension.” after surgery, patients did not require administration of insulin or medicines. “The side effects are that they can eat only small amount of food and need to take iron and vitamin tablets.
 WHO-approved GeneXpert MTB/RIF molecular test to diagnose active TB at a subsidised ceiling price of Rs.1,700 and Hain Genotype test at a ceiling price of Rs.1,600.
