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Showing posts from November, 2016

Health-IT News-november 2016.

    A new smartwatch ( The iBeat Life Monitor,which is fully cellular, with built-in GPS capability)  will continuously monitors the heart for life threatening emergencies and notify loved ones and emergency responders in such an event.  Wearable Tattoo Detects Alcohol Levels in Human Sweat.  a novel biosensing patch that can detect alcohol in induced perspiration and send the information to a smartphone in just 8 minutes.  The device( an iontophoretic-biosensing temporary tattoo with flexible wireless electronics)  is based on the transdermal delivery of pilocarpine, a drug that induces sweat via iontophoresis. Ethanol can then be detected using an alcohol-oxidase enzyme and a Prussian Blue electrode transducer.

Demonetization &cashless transaction...

Friends, parliament has been disrupted since 9days. its not first time for opposition parties marauding the parliament for frivolous reasons. Without any shame or sorrow,the entire band wagon of political crooks opposing the clean up task of the govt. why they are supporting the black money and dirty economy? why they prefer to support the inequality and corruption in the society? what could be done by intellectual groups in this hour of crisis? first of all let us talk... let us try to understand the Modi's Policies.  Let us talk about our citizen’s earning capacity.  let us find why our country is still lagging behind other countries in median household incomes, though it is a huge economic power on the globe. let us think one minute why our govt demonetize big value notes, even at the cost of suffering of common man ? let us understand the intricacies of unequal distribution of economy and poverty  and lesser quality of life for which the main culprits are corruptio...

Drug News november-2016.

1.   Supplements can no more be sold as medicines. "Authenticity of products like soya protein, fish oils, amino acids, probiotics cannot be doubted henceforth. Earlier, they lacked standard licensing. Now,t o check the sale of health  supplements  under the  medicines tag  and to make them safer for consumption, the Food Safety Standards Authority of India has come up with regulations,which should be implemented  with immediate effect. The new regulations will facilitate the state food authorities and their teams of inspectors to supervise the food businesses. Food business operators can now use only those additives and colours which are permitted. 2.  Drug firm  Natco Pharma  has received final approval from the  US health regulator  for generic version of  Budesonide capsules  used for treatment of active  Crohn's disease  for the American market. .3. Fixing drug prices helped consumers save Rs 5,060 cror...

Science News: november-2016.

1. Scientists discover new material for gen-next data storage   devices. Traditional storage devices used polycarbonates (for CDs) and lasers to punch pits into them as data arrived. Each pit was read as a 0 and each ''flat'' as 1 by a photovoltaic cell that received reflected laser from pits. The current generated by the cell was used to provide input for audio and video devices. Rewritable CDs used metallic alloys that changed from amorphous to crystalline states under laser. These CDs and DVDs (and hard drives) used a different physical principle (modulating intermolecular forces that build lattice structure) than the one recently invented that uses electron disruption. With   PEROVSKITE , we have a ferromagnetic - optical system of data transfer that is both compact and speedy. What would we call it? UltraDigital Disc (UD)? 2.  Cheaper anti-stroke drug in the offing . single dose of the existing drugs used to normalise the physical condition of a stroke patien...

Black dirty Money...............

what is bad with black money? unequal distribution of wealth. parallel economy runned by terror groups and crime  syndicates. not only that, the dirty political parties funded by anti-national groups. for ex.  Entire funding of AAP in last two years came in ‘black’ through Hawala via Ford foundation, dubious NGOs like Greenpeace, Saudi petro dollars, Pro Khalistani organisations of Canada etc.   What is black money? Unaccounted money (money not declared as income and hence no tax paid) is black money. Ideally about 30-40% would go to govt as taxed and rest 60-70% is in the hand of user as legitimate white money. This money is printed by Reserve bank. the money on which no tax is paid becomes black.its produced by the people who avoids taxes on their legitimate earnings and by those culprits those used to take bribes and loot the govt budgetary,illegitimate acts,corruption creates hoards of money that is naturally doesn't come under the net of direct tax...

Medi News-november-2016.

1. New skin patch for on-the-spot sweat monitoring. flexible microfluidic device that easily adheres to the skin and measures the wearer's sweat to show how their body is responding to exercise. The simple, low-cost device also analyses key biomarkers. 2 . 6-in-1 vaccine launched for protection against childhood diseases. ready-to-use fully liquid 6-in-1 vaccine, Hexaxim,( in India), indicated for primary and booster vaccination of infants and toddlers from six weeks to 24 months of age, provides protection against six major childhood diseases - diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis (whooping cough), polio, Haemophilus influenza B and hepatitis B. 3. A mobile application Swasthya Samiksha was launched,which enables Members of Parliament to track women's reproductive health in their constituencies and bring improvement. 4. The government will soon make  injectable contraceptives(Centchroman ) available to the public .the scheme for home delivery of ...

Memorandum to A.P. state health minister regarding fire safety NOC relaxation for small hospitals and single window provision.

To Hony.Minister of Health &Family welfare. Govt.of A.P. Sub:grievences of Small hospitals regarding fire safety regulations & registration of  Health care establishments and provision of single window facility for every thing concerned with hospital regulations.-Request. Respected sir Namaste. 1.Small hospitals ( BELOW 20 BEDS) are unable to comply with fire safety regulations,which are utopian in nature. Due to these stringent Fire safety regulations, small hospitals can’t get registration or renewal of registration from DMHO office. Due to this ,many hospitals are not able to deliver their clinical services,where as the un-qualified persons (quacks) doing medical practise  illegally over whom,there is no check or regulation.    “We are not against implementing fire safety norms but a clinic or  five-bed daycare center or a 20bed nursing home cannot have similar fire safety norms maintained by a corporate hospital. We are appealing t...

At last our former PM Manmohan Ji spoke ! Thank you Modi Ji....

what a gang of opposition politicos!  They never ever bothered about politico looting in number of scandals in the last decade under UPA govt.But,now they are  groping for their  loosened kurtas and spilling  money stacks  and ready to make unrest  the country.They need  quick  lesson! what could be done now? Mandatory digitalisation of all transactions above 50000/- value should be the next step.   identification of the Binami Properties should be started on war foot. curtailing the participatory notes musy be initiated now!

Fire safety norms applicable only for above 15 meters height buildings.

we are Requesting  the Director general of fire safety department sri.satyanarayana, and our minister sri.kamineni srinivas,to look into the travails of small nursinghomes in meeting the impractical regulations of the existent A.P. fire safety norms act-2012. our demand: 1.There should be no need of getting Noc ' From fire safety department for those hospitals residing in the buildings of below 15meters height. 2. Single window registration of the hospitals (includes biowaste generation permission from pollution control board and liasion permission with biowaste disposal company and NOC of fire safety dept.)with District registering authority @Respective DMHO offices.

what to do when violence happens against hospitals?

As per legislations in 18 states of our country,punishment is imprisonment which may extend to 3 years or with fine up to Rs. 10,000/- or both and Compensation of twice the purchase price of property damaged and loss caused to be recovered as arrears of land revenue on default. If any person commits any of the below mentioned offences, one can lodge an FIR under … ·          Section 154 of the Criminal Procedure Code. ·          Criminal Conspiracy- Sections 120 A and 120 B of IPC ·          Offences Against The Public Tranquility ·          Unlawful Assembly -Sections 141, 143 and 144 of IPC. ·          Rioting - Sections 146 , 147 and Section 148 of IPC ·          Affray - Sections 159 and 160 of IPC ·     ...

its not an end... its begining of war on corruption!

                                                              ఇది అంతం కాదు ... ఆరంభం ! జాతీయ బాంక్ ల పరిస్థితి ఘోరం గా ఉంది .  ఎంత ప్రయత్నీమ్చినా , 6లక్షల కోట్ల మొండి  బాకీలు వసూల్ కావడం లేదు .  అత్యవసరం గా ఆ బాంక్ లకు డబ్బు కావాలి . కనీసం లక్ష కోట్లు కావాలి . సరే ,ఇక్కడ మనం ఒక ప్రశ్న వేసు కొందాం . నల్ల ధనం  ఎలా తయారైతుంది ?  మన ఆర్ధిక వ్యవస్థలో 4 రకాల ధనం చలామణీ లో ఉంటుంది .  న్యాయసమ్మతమైన సంపాదన .  పన్నులు కట్టని న్యాయ సమ్మతమైన సంపాదన  .  అన్యాయ పూరితమైన , చట్ట సమ్మతం కానీ సంపాదన .  నకిలీ కరెన్సీ .  ఎగుమతులు -దిగుమతులు చేసే ట్రేడర్స్ సరైన బిల్లులు చూపించ కుండా కూడ బెట్టిన డబ్బుతో .  విదేశాలలో ఒక డమ్మీ సంస్థను స్థాపించి , ఆ సంస్థ ద్వారా , మన దేశ స్టాక్ మార్కెట్ లో షేర్లు కొని , ఆ డబ్బుని వైట్ మనీ గా మార్చు కొంటారు . విదేశీ పెట్టు బళ్ల...

NCDRC giving relief to doctors.

1. Unique relief for Doctors in PCPNDT  – The General Surgeon who was using Sonography Machine for diagnostic purpose received Rs.10,000/- from Appropriate authority for Illegal Sealing of Sonography Machines, by Division bench of Bombay High Court. 2. Another good news for doctors . “If the treatment given by Doctor is found to be proper, then Expert opinion has no significance..” It’s a great relief for Doctors by National Commission in its recent judgment dated 20/09/2016, in the case of DR. SHRIKANT V. MUKEWAR V/s. VIMAL & 2 ORS. The court relied on the celebrated judgment of Hon. Apex Court in the Case of Achutrao Hari Bhavu Khodwa Vs. State of Maharashtra 1996 (2) SCC 634 wherein it has been held as : “The skill of medical practitioners differs from Doctor to Doctor. The very nature of the profession is such that there may be more than one course of treatment which may be advisable for treating a patient. Courts would indeed be slow in attributing Negligence on...

New Bio-medical Waste management rules released and notified in march-2016.

The Centre notified new rules for the management of bio-medical wastes in the country on 27-3-2016, that prescribe more stringent standards for incinerators to reduce emissions and envisage the creation of a bar-code system for bags containing such refuse. Under the new rules, use of chlorinated plastic bags, gloves and blood bags will be phased out within two years while training will be provided to all healthcare workers, who will also be immunised regularly.  A ministry statement said that under the new rules, bedded hospitals will get automatic authorisation while there would be a one-time authorisation for non-bedded hospitals.  Under the new rules, the state government concerned will provide land for the setting up of common bio-medical wast...

3 LAC doctors are opposing Govt's Health policies and Acts:

Capping on penalties in medical negligence under CPA, the abandonment of NMC Bill along with the demands for amendments of Clinical Establishments Act, PCPNDT Act, and withdrawal of B.Sc Community Health Programme and demand for national medical protection act.” This is the slogan and single voice of about 3 lac modern doctors for which even world medical association extended its support and solidarity!

Health minister assured doctors all cooperation 2inaugural function of 1st IMAAPCON-2016@Amalapuram.

Govt still promoting B.Sc -CH course inspite of IMA's protest

Even after repeated protests from IMA, Govt still very strong in its opinion and decided to continue with  B.Sc-Community Health course to be implemented in all Districts.

Doctors should prescribe drugs with generic names legibly and preferably in capital letters .

MCI Gazette notifies prescription clause in ethics regulation MCI gazette notification: “Every physician should prescribe drugs with generic names legibly and preferably in capital letters and he/she shall ensure that there is a rational prescription and use of drugs,” The notification was issued to amend the Indian Medical Council (Professional Conduct, Etiquette, and Ethics) Regulation 2002. Approved for publication on September 21, this is an upgrade of the previous notification that says doctors should write generic names of the drugs they prescribe. MEDICAL COUNCIL OF INDIA NOTIFICATION New Delhi, the 21st September, 2016 No.MCI-211(2)/2016(Ethics)/ 131118 .– In exercise of the powers conferred by Section 33 of the Indian Medical Council Act, 1956 (102 of 1956), the Medical Council of India with the previous sanction of the Central Government, hereby makes the following Regulations to amend the “Indian Medical Council (Professional Conduct, Etiquette and Ethics) ...