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Showing posts from July, 2014

Who are We ? Identity crisis or confusion ?

Govt and courts regulates hospitals as they are commercial  business establishments by slapping VAT&Luxury tax and imposing criminal laws,CPA and shops&establishment ACT. Media & people see the medical profession as service sector and expecting   to follow medical ethics. Who are we? Let the country decides first! Then only we can deliver our duty….

Breeze scan

Could you believe that oral and cervical cancer can be detected with in 2minutes (and most useful for mass screenings)by biophotonic application i.e. a technique that uses light reflected off tissues to determine changes in tissue architecture, cell morphology and biochemical composition.   by beaming different wavelengths of light (in the green-yellow part of the visible spectrum) into the oral cavity and comparing the readings, a highly accurate prediction of early stage cancer could be made. Breezescan : the entire procedure can be completed in about two minutes per patient. Data is stored on the device but can be transferred via bluetooth.  it is the only effective device that can provide an end-to-end diagnosis in a non-invasive way.   a “light engine” which could be enclosed in a light-weight case and run on the freely available Android operating system. Another patent was filed for the design and thus was born BreezeScan – a device that could minimize surgical ...

Bringing Light To Micro Villages

For Rs. 25 per week, a house gets seven hours of power per day which is less than the typical cost of kerosene, which could cost anywhere from Rs. 30 per week. Kudos to MGP,an NGO company  providing electricity to approximately 20,000 households in over 1,200 off-grid villages in Uttar Pradesh by installing solar powered mini grids.

why poor people may not be using the PHC system?

The following findings are reported by one competent survey recently.  The facts are sterling  and needs introspection among medical officers of public health system and at the same time shall be monitored by govt agency to find the root cause for  why this is happening . ·         The doctors are low on competence - the indian PHC doctors are less competent than of indonesia&tanzania. ·         They don’t show up for work - Public Doctors in India are among the most absent in the world          When they do show up, they don’t work to the level of their knowledge - they exert very little effort.  ·         And patients have to pay bribes anyway- its more than police&revenue which are notorious for their bribing.

Medical seats status for academic year 2014-15.

what is the govt's target regarding medical education? Govt's target is to have MBBS seats : 80000 & PG seats :45000,  to ensure a modern doctor-patient ratio of 1:1,000. what is the  news in 2014? the Medical Council of India (MCI) has given its go ahead for establishment of 16 new medical colleges with intake capacity of 2,050 MBBS seats this year.   The council has also recommended for increase of 600 MBBS seats in 10 existing medical colleges for the academic year 2014-15. the MCI has recommended for disapproval of 118 medical colleges for renewal of permission for admission in 8,567 MBBS seats for the academic session 2014-15. but, Subsequently, after fierce lobbying by states, the MCI has recommended for renewal of permission for 73 cases with 4,747 MBBS seats. what A.P. State got? 350 new MBBS seats were allotted for 2014-15.

Latest Rule position of A.P. fire safety act

A.P.Fire service act 1999 is principal act. Amended in 2000. (ACT no 32 of 2000)--- published on the 3rd October, 2000 in the Andhra Pradesh Gazette for general information: based on (  the National Building Code of India, 1997”):  ·          Any person proposing to construct a high-rise building or ·          any building proposed to be used for any purpose other than residential purpose or ·           a building proposed to be used for residential purpose of more than 15 meters in height such as group housing, multi-storey flats, walk-up apartments, etc., ------  shall apply to the Director General or any member of the service duly authorized by him in building plans to the authority or officer competent to approve the same under the relevant law, for the time being in force, for a no objection certificate along with such fee as may be ...

a doctor cannot be held criminally responsible for a patient’s death unless his negligence or incompetence showed such disregard for life and safety of his patient.

July 18, 2014, 10.07 am IST. Justice B.S. Ravi Kumar  of  Hyderabad High Court has held that when a patient agrees to go for medical treatment or an operation, every careless act of a doctor cannot be termed as criminal.  The judge ruled that to attract offence of criminal medical negligence, three things shall be considered as follows-- A. the existence of the duty of the doctor,  B. a breach of the duty causing death, and  C. a breach of that duty characterised as gross negligence has to proved during the course of investigation. The rule position for for existing high rise buildings: Additional Fire Safety measures required to be complied in respect of  existing Multi-storied Buildings where the mandatory open spaces are deficient,( which shall be over and above the requirements given in G.O. Ms. No. 154 M.A. &  U.D. (M1) Department dated: 13-3-2007) : see in the net -  (Memo No. 4011/M1/2008 Dated: 19 – 05 - 2008.)

Investment News:July-2014. processing industry,biotechnology,genetic engineering,nanotech industries are good bets in coming, invest in those companies having good company practises. 2. Don't invest in companies coming with IPOs dealing with emu farming,goat & cow herding and  jatropha farming (biodiesel plant),as these type are banned by SEBI.

108 medicines to get cheaper by 35%.

As part of its policy,the health ministry to widen the list of essential medicines that will be subject to a price cap, India has capped the prices of more than 100 drugs used to treat diseases ranging from diabetes to HIV, a move likely to hit the profit margins of drug firms and    aimed at improving affordability to patients. who is  drug pricing regulator in india?  The National Pharmaceutical Pricing Authority (NPPA) . The drugs that will become cheaper would include atorvastatin, gliclazide, glimepiride, heparin and metolazone among others.  The government had last year fixed the prices of 652 drugs under  national list of essential medicines (NLEM)  under the Drug Price Control Order (DPCO). what will happen now? multinational pharmaceutical companies would have to take a major hit on their margins.

G.O no.107

What is G.O No 107 of A.P.GOVT.?  Under the GO 107, doctors who have completed graduation, P.G Degree&diploma and super specialty courses have to furnish a bond stating that they would work in government hospitals for a year within a maximum period of 18 months after obtaining their degree. If they violate the bond condition, they are charged with a penalty of Rs.15 lakh for diploma holders and Rs.20 lakh for PG degree candidates. In addition, it would make them liable for disciplinary action.

Long live Dr.N.Appa rao & IMA.

Views expressed by Dr.k.v.Ramprasad- president-vijag IMA. "I would like to congratulate the IMA Vijayawada Branch for hosting the 56th IMA conference successfully. We thank all the members of the Organizing committee for the wonderful task. We thoroughly enjoyed our stay. I also congratulate the President and the Secretary of IMAAPSTATE along with the rest of the office bearers. My salutes to the person for the success of this conference and the well being of IMA as a whole, the person who has sacrificed everything in bringing up this organization to the present stage... DR.N.APPA RAO garu. He is the person who has struggled to get the Ordinance to protect the doctors from the menace of the agitated public and today he himself has been offended by some persons from the doctors fraternity only, which is a very shameful act which makes us bow our heads in shame. I appeal to all the members in the state to condemn this act and propose to initiate disciplinary a...

Regulate middlemen....

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Wonderful 56th.annual IMA AP State conference

The last united IMA AP and The 56th.annual IMA AP State conference  went on very well with educative CME programs and lively business meet of state council. Dr.venkateswarlu.P of vijayawada, taken charge as new PRESIDENT of IMA AP state from Dr.c.subramanyam. its decided to split the state IMA in to IMA AP & IMA TELENGANA. State council strongly stressed about discipline in the association and decency& transparency  in administration and opined that, if any body acts against the rules and code of conduct,the punishment should be  swift. "save the small hospitals" is the slogan of the HBI IMA AP.

dear members,its taxing time... know how to reduce tax liability...

Economy News-july-2014.

1.what is difference between IT & WT? The income tax is a tax on productive activity and wealth creation; the estate duty is a tax on inert wealth being handed over to someone who may not have done much to create it. 2.How  agri-economy dependent on  monsoon? 3. another twist of reality with real boom in A.P.


3child vaccines -   against rotavirus, rubella and polio and one adult vaccine  against Japanese encephalitis will be introduced in districts with high levels of the disease, as part of the Universal Immunization Programme (UIP). So,indian government will be providing free vaccines against 13 life threatening diseases to 2.7 crore children annually, the largest birth cohort in the world. you know,the diarrhea caused by rota virus causing Rs.300 crore economical drain on country exchequer.It kills    nearly 1 lac children each year, results in up to 10 lakh hospitalizations. 

Congrats to Dr.Samaram

IMA AP state heartily congratulating Dr.Samaram , Past National President of IMA  & Icon of Andhra, on the eve of getting  the  IMA Med achiever National Award  for his meritorious services in the medical field.  This award was presented to him by consortium of NGOs along with IMA  through the hands of Union Health Minister Sri Harshavardhan.  This Award was started first time this year by Indian Medical Association with 18 eminent personalities from various sections  being the honorary judges. 500 entries from all over the country enrolled to the award and only 22 were adjudged to this IMA Med achiever award.   Hundreds of doctors from all over India attended this Grand Award function. Dr.JitendrabhaiPatel, National President of IMA , Dr Narendra Saini, Hon Secretary of IMA, and others participated in the event.

Doctors Day Greetings.

Let all innovations happen in our country make smiles on the faces of patients. Let all doctors contribute 1% of their incomes to medical R&D. Let all courts consider medical profession as non-trade profession. Let the govt announce doctors as saviors of the nation and extend defense service status. Let this day ushered to turn as Real Doctors Day....