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Long live Dr.N.Appa rao & IMA.

Views expressed by Dr.k.v.Ramprasad- president-vijag IMA.

"I would like to congratulate the IMA Vijayawada Branch for hosting the 56th IMA conference successfully. We thank all the members of the Organizing committee for the wonderful task. We thoroughly enjoyed our stay.

I also congratulate the President and the Secretary of IMAAPSTATE along with the rest of the office bearers.

My salutes to the person for the success of this conference and the well being of IMA as a whole, the person who has sacrificed everything in bringing up this organization to the present stage...

He is the person who has struggled to get the Ordinance to protect the doctors from the menace of the agitated public and today he himself has been offended by some persons from the doctors fraternity only, which is a very shameful act which makes us bow our heads in shame.

I appeal to all the members in the state to condemn this act and propose to initiate disciplinary action against the erring members as per the constitution of the IMA and ensure that such incidents never happen in the future. 

I deeply regret this incident and reiterate the we stand solidly behind the most adored person by the whole of the nation, DR.N.APPA RAO garu .
