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Showing posts from May, 2012

What MoHFW has done to medical education in last 3years?

   the number of PG seats has increased by more than 9100. The number of PG seats available in this academic year is 22,194 as against 13,043 in the year 2008-09.   46 new medical colleges have been set up. relaxation of land norms, infrastructure criterion;  facilitating student - teacher norms and  easing faculty selection by recognizing DNB qualification and  age relaxation upto 70 years   funding scheme for strengthening and up-gradation of 72 State Governments'  medical Colleges . sanctioned  132 ANM and 137 GNM Schools all over the country.

10 steps toward a longer healthier life

1. Don’t smoke. 2. Build physical and mental activities into  every day. 3. Eat a healthy diet rich in whole grains, vegetables, and fruits, and substitute healthier monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats for   unhealthy saturated fats and trans fats. 4. Take a daily multivitamin, and be sure to get  enough calcium and vitamin D. 5. Maintain a healthy weight and body shape. 6. Challenge your mind. 7. Build a strong social network. 8. Protect your sight, hearing, and general  health by following preventive care guidelines. 9. Floss, brush, and see a dentist regularly. Poor  oral health may have many repercussions, including poor nutrition, unnecessary pain,  and possibly even a higher risk of heart disease and stroke. 10. Discuss with your doctor whether you need  any medication—perhaps to control high blood pressure, treat osteoporosis, or lower  cholesterol—to help you stay healthy.

what we should do on 25-6-12...IMA STRIKE

Be careful the police can seal and file FIR against quacks.

Recently Allahabad High court passed  an important  order against quackery as follows : {case : contempt application (civil ) no: 820 of 2002}. The following order is passed in pursuance to the directions issued by apex court in case no: 2000 (5) SC 80. Salient points of the order. 1.prohibiting those persons conducting or managing or practising the modern medicine with out MCI recognised Qualification. 2. This order directed the health ,legal and judicial authorities of state and district level  to carry out raids and prohibit such persons doing  practise of moder medicine and seal such clinics & nursinghomes and initiate prosecution by lodging FIR. so, i request all presidents and secretaries of local IMA branches to appraise the local health,police and judiciary authorities by submitting the memorandum along with judgment copy.

easy chance for all doctors.. to become healthcare administrator

Be a member of HOSPITAL BOARD OF INDIA, Then you can enroll in to this course. (FOR DETAILS CONTACT DR.C.S.RAJU @ 9490172569). Healthcare Administration Industry Overview: The healthcare industry has grown tremendously over the last few years. The emergence of medical tourism and swift development in technologies, has led to making the health sector as one of the fastest growing sectors in India. Several corporate and business organizations have forayed into the healthcare sector, resulting in the healthcare delivery system becoming more organized, systematic and efficient. This has subsequently led to a massive demand for qualified, well trained and dedicated healthcare management professionals Program Overview: INLEAD's Post Graduate Diploma Program in Healthcare Administration prepares students to manage the administrative aspects of the healthcare facility and explore various career opportunities in this field. The program modules have been jointly developed in c

All India IMA Strike on 25-6-12..

To  The editor on behalf of Indian medical association- the largest  national organization representing 2 lac allopathic doctors and the main stake holder in country's health care delivery system &Medical education, is here with  revealing the Salient points of the Memorandum,which has been submitted to minister and Prime minister of INDIA. UNLESS the union govt.  consider our demands & suggestions, it was decided to call Nation wide IMA strike on 25-6-2012. IMA's Demands & Suggestions: Restore autonomous Medical council of India : IMA DEMANDS the govt.of India to reinstate autonomous structure and conduct  elections to restore democracy in Medical council of india. National consensus can not be heard and quality of medical education can't be improved unless the  democratic monitoring body is restored immediately. Stop the CE Act: number of states have their own CE act and are successfully  implementing with the help  of IMA. for th

Mandatory for doctors to serve in rural areas for one year.

 Disappointing with luke warm response of medical UG & PG s  to undergo a one-year stint in rural areas ,Mr. Azad said the government was in discussion with the Medical Council of India for changing the policy to make it mandatory for doctors to serve in rural areas for one year.  Union Health and Family Welfare Minister Ghulam Nabi Azad said in the Lok Sabha on Friday that the Ministry launched a 50 per cent reservation in post-graduate courses for serving MBBS doctors who opted for a three-year stint in rural areas, but it evoked no response. The government's incentives for medical students taking post-graduate entrance examinations too did not find any takers — students who did one year of rural service were to get 10 per cent marks as additional weightage, while those who did three years would get up to 30 per cent additional marks, he said. The health ministry has taken steps in this direction and is offering more salaries as well as 10 per cent extra weightage for e

Directions of SUPREME COURT: regarding MBBS & BDS Admissions..

(i)  The commencement of new courses or increases in seats of existing courses of MBBS/BDS are to be  approved/recognised by the Government of India by  15 th  July of each calendar year  for the relevant academic sessions of that year. (ii)  The Medical Council of India shall, immediately thereafter, issue appropriate directions and ensure the implementation and commencement of admission process within one week thereafter. (iii)  After 15 th  July of each year, neither the Union of India nor the Medical or Dental Council of India shall issue any recognition or approval for the current academic year. If any such approval is granted after 15 th  July of any year, it shall only be operative for the next academic year and not in the [ Page 30-31]  current academic year. Once the sanction/approval is granted on or before 15 th  July of the relevant year, the name of that college and all seats shall be included in both the first and the second counseling, in accordance with the Rule

The following suggestions are advised by expert panel, to be implementing in daily private practice of medicine.

The following suggestions are advised by expert panel, to be implementing in daily private practice of medicine. 1.     Register your clinic, hospital or laboratory with district registering authority i.e. DMHO. 2.     Get the ‘No objection’ certificate from fire safety department, for your hospital building. 3.     Enter in to MOU with local biowaste disposal unit and then get the biowaste generation license from district pollution control board. 4.     Follow the minimum diagnostic and therapeutic ‘protocols’. 5.     Maintain out patient register, consent register, treatment and discharge summaries of inpatients for minimum period of 3 yrs. 6.     Counsel the patient and attendees before any procedure is taken up and take informed consent. 7.     Display various types of your service fees, names of the hospital staff along with your certified and MCI recognized credentials and qualifications, in reception zone. 8.     Arrange CC cams in strategic points in your h

The National Commission for Human Resources for Health Bill, 2011 - Bill Summary

The National Commission for Human Resources for Health Bill, 2011 was introduced in the Rajya Sabha on December 22, 2011 by the Minister of Health and Family Welfare Shri Ghulam Nabi Azad.  It was referred to the Department related Standing Committee on Health and Family Welfare (Chairperson: Shri Brajesh Pathak), which is scheduled to submit its report within three months. The Bill seeks to establish a mechanism to determine and regulate the standard of health education in the country.  It shall repeal the Indian Nursing Council Act, 1947; the Pharmacy Act, 1948; the Dentists Act, 1948 and the Indian Medical Council Act, 1956 on such date as decided by the central government. The Bill seeks to set up the National Commission for Human Resources for Health (NCHRH), National Board for Health Education (NBHE), and the National Evaluation and Assessment Council (NEAC).  It also establishes various professional councils at the national and state level and a NCHRH Fund to meet expe

Deft floor management sees Medical Council of India Bill through in Rajya Sabha

The government on Wednesday (9-5-12) managed to push through a Bill in the   Rajya Sabha   which will provide for a year's extension for the board of governors of the Medical Council of India. The Bill was passed by voice vote and the Opposition decided against pushing for a division. The passage of the  Indian Medical Council (Amendment) Bill  in the Rajya Sabha comes as a relief to the government, especially after its allies Trinamool, which had earlier voted against the Bill in the Lok Sabha, and  DMK  criticised the legislation during the debate on Wednesday.
Date :   08/05/2012 Title :   the Indian Medical Council (Amendment) Bill in the Lok Sabha was passed despite Trinamool's adventu Description :   Opposition parties and Trinamool have described the Indian Medical Council amendment -2012 Bill, seeking to extend the term of the MCI board of governors from two years to three years as undemocratic. The Bill, which will now be taken up by the Rajya Sabha where the UPA is a minority. Mamata is understood to have promised pavan bansal -Parliamentary Affairs Minister, that her party would vote for the Bill in Rajya sabha, provided her conditions are met..

May 8th is World Thalassemia Day

Prenatal testing for the Thalassemia gene should be made  mandatory. Wh en both parents are Thalassemia minors or carriers, there is a 25% chance of birth of a Thalassemia Major child, 25% chance of a normal child and 50% chance of a Thalassemia Minor child. Patients need regular blood transfusions every three to eight weeks to maintain normal hemoglobin levels. With regular transfusion and removal of iron (chelation therapy), Thalassemics can live and grow into adulthood. If complications are avoided, they can enjoy a productive life. The only curative treatment is bone marrow transplant.

state of indian health acts..

As per Indian Constitution,  Health is in concurrent list that is -"laws can be enacted on health matters both by the central Govt. and the state Govt". H ealth is the subject of state as per indian constitution. But, It is a basic legal principle that a central Act supersedes a state Act if there is a conflict. State medical council has independent authority to recognise a particular post-graduate course valid only in that particular state OR in other states which have a mutual agreement to do so. As per regulations, a university has the authority to conduct such a course without any need for SMC or MCI regulation. That is the reason Annamalai University or some organization ( IMA ) can conduct so many SMC / MCI non-recognised post-graduate courses.  universities or associations may conduct their courses as per their own curriculum but every one must remember, their courses  are  only for enriching the skills like CME programs,but not legally valid  to claim

private medical colleges,interns,externs -ALL ARE HAPPY...

The medical education department's decision to increase the number of seats for externs in government colleges like Gandhi and Osmania from 60 to 200 a few years ago has come as a boon for the private college managements. By issuing 50 NOCs, they make a neat Rs 1 crore.  Of the nearly 5,000 MBBS seats in the state, 3,000 seats are under the private sector. Poor patient flow is one of the main reasons why about 35% of the students from private colleges choose to do their internship at the overloaded government hospitals. The hidden agenda is however to evade the strenuous training.  Senior doctors say that the present-day house surgeons don't want to get trained unlike those two to three decades back. They say that today, MBBS is only a prerequisite for post-graduation. Doctors maintained that the demand for setting up of private medical colleges is on an all-time high but when it comes to the quality of training, all the existing colleges fail miserably.  "In one of the

another victory feather in the cap of appa's hat of glory..

MCI extension bill is  discussed in loksabha on  3-5-12 and staunchly  opposed by all opposition parties including trinamool congress,whose MPs are appraised by the  IMA under the leadership of Dr.N.Appa rao. A bill seeking to extend the tenure of the re-constituted top body governing health education — Medical Council of India (MCI) — by another year is discussed  in Parliament . The government had earlier superseded the MCI by issuing an ordinance in May 2010 after the then MCI president was caught by the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) for allegedly taking bribe. To facilitate extension of the term of the board of governors of the MCI for another year, the ministry had introduced an Indian Medical Council (Amendment) Bill in 2011. Even as the proposed NCHRH Bill, that aims at creating a super medical authority by scrapping all other regulatory bodies is in the offing, with the same being referred to the standing committee, the ministry is left with no o