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All India IMA Strike on 25-6-12..

The editor

on behalf of Indian medical association- the largest  national organization representing 2 lac allopathic doctors and the main stake holder in country's health care delivery system &Medical education, is here with  revealing the Salient points of the Memorandum,which has been submitted to minister and Prime minister of INDIA.

UNLESS the union govt.  consider our demands & suggestions, it was decided to call Nation wide IMA strike on 25-6-2012.
  • IMA's Demands & Suggestions:
  • Restore autonomous Medical council of India: IMA DEMANDS the govt.of India to reinstate autonomous structure and conduct  elections to restore democracy in Medical council of india. National consensus can not be heard and quality of medical education can't be improved unless the  democratic monitoring body is restored immediately.
  • Stop the CE Act: number of states have their own CE act and are successfully  implementing with the help  of IMA. for that matter health is the subject of the state. so,IMA demands the govt. to allow the respective state act shall be prevailed over this central CE act.
  • Stop the NCHRH: This act if passed , over ride the federal functioning of health care delivery of our country and leads to centralization and politicization of  health care management.
  • National EXIT exam for doctors:IMA strongly opposing the Indian govt's proposed exit exam for doctors even after passing the respective university exams.IMA suggests that this exam shall be implied to international medical graduates and to those students studied in unrecognised indian institutions.
  • NEET Exam : IMA suggests the govt. of india, to commence the ALL INDIA NEET EXAM from the academic year 2014- 15 onwards in local languages,only after instituting uniform nation wide intermediate curriculum.
  • Pay scales for doctors & stipend for  junior doctors:  
salaries of state govt.doctors should be on par with central govt.scales.
stipend of the junior doctors should be on par with those of central govt.medical institutions.

  • Amend the CPA act: Medical profession should be exempted from the present CPA act,which is crippling the medical fraternity and forcing the doctors to do defensive medical practise resulting in denying of proper medical aid to needy patients.
  • Mandatory rural service:Indian medical association- positively responds to the govt's newly .proposed compulsory rural service after internship for MBBS graduates, provided the 'provisional doctors' shall  get salary and other perks as of regular service personel along with weightage in PG entrance exam.
IMA stresses that this mandatory rural service shall be implied to those students studying  in  govt colleges only.
IMA recomends to govt.of india, that this 'rural service clause' shall be obligatory to those students studying in private medical colleges.

IMA would also advise the minister and BOG of MCI to discuss the matter with  all india junior doctors association and other stake holders in medical education,before finalizing the decission.

  • Stop the BRHC course: IMA once again strongly opposing the BRHC course and instead utilise the services of UG & PGs of main stream medicine. the proposed short term course is going to produce half baked doctors which is discrminatory against rural people. its blatant violation of the indian constitution and indian medical degrees act

In this connection, DR.N.APPA RAO,National chairman of IMA leaders forum & chairman of Action committee of IMA H.Q.,NEW DELHI  along with office bearers of IMA H.Q. submitted this memorandum to  the union health minister, Shri Ghulam Nabi Azad & Prime minister of India on 22-5-12.{ &}
