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Showing posts from August, 2011


LET LORD GANESHA SHOWERS Success In All Your Endeavor!

Cheap drugs to cut heart risks ...



The Lokpal is  an ombudsman committee that will be empowered to investigate complaints of corruption from the public against government servants. "Anna's trio of essentials include bringing all central government employees, including junior bureaucrats, under the purview of the Lokpal. He also wants the Lokpal model to be replicated in states. Finally, he wants a citizen's charter to be displayed in all government departments. This notice will list the duties of that department and provide for punishment for under-performance.

HELLO! Are you a Real DOCTOR ?!

A Doctor is the person who has completed graduation in either allopathic or other Govt recognised "indian system of medicine" and is legally ,academically and ethically competent to treat the patients. These persons only shall prefix the word "doctor" before their names . All other remaining persons in the health care delivery system -  are called as paramedics (allied health professionals) who are supportive staff  and so, they can't use the word "doctor" as prefix..  The Govt. of India vide Notification 13.10.1998 included PT, OT and ophthalmic technicians as rehabilitation professions under the Rehabilitation council of India Act.    Its mandatory that the doctor must prescribe those medicines that he has studied in his graduation.  so,no cross prescription  of different systems of medicine.


CBSE to prepare MBBS questions - The CBSE has also been given the responsibility of preparing the MBBS question papers. From 2012, medical CET in English, Hindi - The new board of Medical Council of India (MCI) and the Union Health Ministry have decided to start Common Entrance Examination (CET) for undergraduates and post-graduate medical courses from next year in two languages - English and Hindi. EXCEPTIONS :The entrance examination would cover all medical colleges except the Armed Forces Medical College and the All India Institute of Medical Sciences ( AIIMS) in New Delhi and the Post Graduate Institute of Medical Education and Research in Chandigarh may be outside the NEET’s purview as these institutes were set up by separate laws While the MCI will not touch the management quota, it insists that even management quota candidates should come from the national merit list. The objective was to set up a standard for basic medical education. The minority institutions would c

Influenza Vaccine Recommendations

 Vaccination should continue to be offered throughout the influenza season." Trivalent inactivated vaccine (TIV) preparation (Fluzone Intradermal, Sanofi Pasteur) licensed in May 2011  and  is indicated for people 18 to 64 years old and contains less antigen than intramuscular TIV preparations (9 μg vs 15 μg of each strain per dose) in a smaller volume (0.1 mL vs 0.5 mL). This vaccine is administered in a single dose (preferably over the deltoid muscle) and comes in a prefilled microinjection syringe. The most common adverse reactions include injection-site erythema, induration, swelling, pain, and pruritus. With the exception of pain, these reactions occurred more frequently than with intramuscular vaccine, but generally resolved within 3 to 7 days.


Corruption is nothing but getting satiation of our greeds and desires in a fast and easy way. every person could involve in this act in a small or big way if the govt shows laxity in implementing the laws. Unless the govt authorities prevail and shows some quota of sincerity it is not possible to control the corruption even with strong effective acts. common man getting his work finished by giving some gift in monitory or other form. this type of behaviour has became a trait in nature of  human species. so what best any society can do is controlling the corruption by creating multi level monitoring system  using technology effectively. the situation has come to such a stage that the  govt has to no way except relying  on machines. WHY political parties are not agreeing with Anna's JANLOKPAL DRAFT? All political parties agreeing with anna's indefinite fast but not with his jan lokpal draft . what a double standard view? anna hazare and his team is spearheading force and 

indians in swiss accounts

What is the Jan Lokpal Bill, why it's important?

A look at the salient features of Jan Lokpal Bill: 1. An institution called LOKPAL at the centre and LOKAYUKTA in each state will be set up 2. Like Supreme Court and Election Commission, they will be completely independent of the governments. No minister or bureaucrat will be able to influence their investigations. 3. Cases against corrupt people will not linger on for years anymore: Investigations in any case will have to be completed in one year. Trial should be completed in next one year so that the corrupt politician, officer or judge is sent to jail within two years. 4. The loss that a corrupt person caused to the government will be recovered at the time of conviction. 5. How will it help a common citizen: If any work of any citizen is not done in prescribed time in any government office, Lokpal will impose financial penalty on guilty officers, which will be given as compensation to the complainant. 6. So, you could approach Lokpal if your ration card or passport or v

IMA Salutes the country on 65th. INDEPENDENCE DAY ....

Since independence, what was happened was happened in a slow motion. In the frontier of health, we have solved many nagging problems like- IMR,MMR, and eradicated SMALL POX,PLAGUE and reduced the rate of communicable diseases and fertility rate and raised the life expectency, attended deliveries and quality of life.  This is all possible with dynamics of health machinery and medical fraternity. thank you doctor! Many issues are rising their heads to be addressed very fast and with able manner. multi drug resistant bacteria, life style syndrome, HIV/T.B. are testing our capacity and skill. one thing we have to appreciate is development of medical technology, generic drugs usage, genetic combinant vaccination, modern tools of diagnosis. By adapting these newer technology and having largest pool of skilled human resouces , INDIA is spearheading the medical tourism industry. clinical trials and drug discoveries are surfacing in the horizon of indian health industry making o ur lan


  good begining for  new team... DR.V.S.PRASAD & DR.M.A.REHMAN-President & secretary of IMA AP state take charge on 8-8-11 and cordially met with sri.botsa.satyanarayana- PCC President and DR.D.L.RAVINDRA minister and submitted a memorandum to appraise the plight of small hospitals and stresed about the strengthening of  the infrastructure of govt.hospitals and public health.


NEET-PG: T he common entrance test (CET) for admission to Medical Post-graduate Courses across the country i.e. National Eligibility-cum-Entrance Test for Medical Postgraduate Courses - MD/MS/Diploma (NEET-PG ) shall be held in Jan-Feb 2012 for admissions in the academic year 2012-2013. The syllabus is that of MBBS described in the MCI Regulations on Graduate Medical Education, 1997. The multiple choice questions (MCQs) would be based on the MBBS syllabus as well as the knowledge that needs to be acquired during internship which is also described in the said Regulations.  The distribution of questions, model questions and method of tie breaking for ranking would be placed on the website in the due course.

Products should not be endorsed for monetary benefits' ( can we do it for charity ? ? ?)

‘Products should not be endorsed for monetary benefits' The national workshop on ‘Redefining Medical Ethics' organised by the KERALA State unit of the Indian Medical Association (IMA) have formulated a charter   as follows : 1. Restrain hospitals from advertising their specialties, the same way individual doctors are banned from doing so by the Medical Council of India. Except for announcing the setting up of a new hospital or a new clinic by a doctor, the charter bans advertisements on expert or modern facilities at hospitals. 2 . professional associations in medical field should not endorse products for monetary benefits. 3.On clinical trials,  that the consent from the patient alone was not enough, but the consent of the whole family would be needed. 4. on  REASEARCH : Since there are no ethical practice guidelines for clinical research, the KERALA IMA has decided to follow the protocol put forth by the Indian Council of Medical Research. The patients should be giv

High Court orders notice on tamilnadu IMA's writ plea against CE ACT.

CHENNAI, August 3, 2011 High Court orders notice on IMA's writ plea Special Correspondent   The Madras High Court on Monday ordered notice on a writ petition by the Indian Medical Association (IMA) seeking to declare certain provisions of the Clinical Establishments (Registration and Regulation) Act, 2010 as ultra vires the Constitution. In the petition filed through counsel B. Cheran, the association's Tamil Nadu honorary secretary J.A. Jayalal stated that the legislation was opposed to public interest and public policy. The impugned Act had the effect of “wrongfully depriving several millions of people of adequate healthcare facilities, because the legislation places several unreasonable restrictions on the medical profession, which directly affect small clinical establishments.” The petitioner said that in the Act it was stated that the legislation would come into force in Arunachal Pradesh, Himachal Pradesh, Mizoram, Sikkim and Union Territories. This was particularl

IMA is for quality & equality of private and public health care.

IMA is committed for the welfare of private hospitals  and public health. the recent order from aarogyasri trust, that the 133 surgical procedures previously done in both private and govt. hospitals of aarogya sri network care should  be  done from august 1st. only  in govt.hospitals is sudden shocking news to the public and empaneled private hospitals equally. For any health insurance scheme the center of the concern should be - "the patient." So, IMA demands - 1.any health insurance care should be oriented towards better health care delivery to needy people. 2.patient should have the liberty to choose the hospital. 3.the govt should create confidence in public by strengthening the infrastructure  and quality of human resources, thus make the govt.hospitals competitive with private hospitals. --  -  with out providing sufficient infrastructure, forcing the aarogya sri patients to get their services only in govt hospitals comes under discrimination and deficit on th