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Corruption is nothing but getting satiation of our greeds and desires in a fast and easy way.
every person could involve in this act in a small or big way if the govt shows laxity in implementing the laws.
Unless the govt authorities prevail and shows some quota of sincerity it is not possible to control the corruption even with strong effective acts.

common man getting his work finished by giving some gift in monitory or other form. this type of behaviour has became a trait in nature of  human species. so what best any society can do is controlling the corruption by creating multi level monitoring system  using technology effectively.
the situation has come to such a stage that the  govt has to no way except relying  on machines.

WHY political parties are not agreeing with Anna's JANLOKPAL DRAFT?
All political parties agreeing with anna's indefinite fast but not with his jan lokpal draft . what a double standard view? anna hazare and his team is spearheading force and  instrumental in making the lokpal draft and  struck  intense chord with every indian with his sincerity & character.

1. the govt agrees and established a committee to draft lokpal bill in association and in tandem with anna's team.
2. all the members of the committee participated in brain storming sessions with lot of commitment.
 3. the  home work to draft lokpal bill was well taken care by experts in judiciary and constitutional norms.
4. the draft was prepared but with out incorporating the views of anna's team.
 5.the entire fiasco fore tells and fore warns every one that the govt has no sincerity in promulgating effective lokpal bill.

How  the govt.  supporting its views ?
The prime minister and some well learned parliamentarians ,intellectuals felt that the only authority in democracy is parliament and every one must agree with the contents of the  bill to be tabled in parliament and only members of parliament have authority to discuss the bill after it tabled in parliament.

so anna and his team has no right and responsibility  to force and exert their views on govt . The govt with its elaborate machinery knows what is right or wrong? No person has to dare to interfere in  govt duties.

 Is Anna justified in doing his fight against  corruption ? is ANNA justified in forcing his views on govt  by doing indefinite fast ? 
No doubt, Every citizen must comply with country's constitution and its norms.
 Anna hazare is the main person in forcing the govt to form a lokpal bill draft committee.Anna's team has every power  which is vested by the govt it self when it framed the lokpal bill draft committee to comment and exert its opinion.
In democracy, the govt has the responsibility to take suggestions of all stake holders and must heed to the majority people's opinion .
 the govt making the lokpal draft a laughing fiasco by  protecting the vested interests of politicians.
every one wants powerful enforcing judiciary authority  but the govt is interested in creating advisory body with out any judicial executing powers.
every one wants powerful watch dog but the govt recomends old crippled night watchman .
thats why ANNA has every right and respoonsibility

please think and support ANNA'S TEAM in what ever way you can afford.
its an oppurtunity one can't afford to miss.
its a right issue to execute in right way  in right time .
INDIAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION extending its support & solidarity to every INDIAN in  fighting against corruption. 
