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IMA is for quality & equality of private and public health care.

IMA is committed for the welfare of private hospitals  and public health.

the recent order from aarogyasri trust, that the 133 surgical procedures previously done in both private and govt. hospitals of aarogya sri network care should  be  done from august 1st. only  in govt.hospitals is sudden shocking news to the public and empaneled private hospitals equally.

For any health insurance scheme the center of the concern should be - "the patient."
So, IMA demands -

1.any health insurance care should be oriented towards better health care delivery to needy people.
2.patient should have the liberty to choose the hospital.
3.the govt should create confidence in public by strengthening the infrastructure  and quality of human resources, thus make the govt.hospitals competitive with private hospitals. --  -  with out providing sufficient infrastructure, forcing the aarogya sri patients to get their services only in govt hospitals comes under discrimination and deficit on the part of govt.
4. sudden issuing of the above G.O. leads to economical imbalnce of private network hospitals thus they couldn't deliver and continue as  aarogya sri empaneled hospital.
5. decentralising the aarogya sri scheme and taking  small hospitals in to aarogyasri  net work can reduce the cost expenditure of govt.  if the hospital has sufficient skills and equipment irrespective of bed strength,  the govt can empanel small hospitals where we can get surgeries at lower cost and these small hospitals are with in reach of rural patients.
6. if govt persists with its centralized thought, corporatization of health care will prevail and small hospitals will perish in coming days,resulting in cost escalation of health care.
