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why every Indian should fight against foreign invasion?- 4th.Cut !

 I think every reader became sick of narrative of oppression&holocaust  engulfing Indians. our hearts be heavy with sorrowful incidents that captivated the entire nation for more than  1000yrs! and one should have few questions about, why Indians failed to  retaliate and defend their nation? 

Indians ferociously retaliated&kept the integrity of cultural ethos intact! but we all well aware that peace is an interval between wars in any society. the unity of the state and the length of peace are in proportional to cavalry,culture and unity of the rulers and the citizens.

in this chapter let's explore the cavalry and courage shown by our fore fathers to defend our mother! one should inspire&learn from them and apply those tactics and determination of  such exemplary faith and valour to protect the nation.

THE MANTRA is Unity in Diversity!

Why did Indian kings not resist foreign(Muslim) invaders?

is it a right question? 

The real  history is not presented or taught to Indian children under the name of “Secularism”. And hence such silly questions.

Let’s see what the real events taking place in the Arab world and India simultaneously:

with in no time,  Islam entered& defeat Persia - Sassanid Empire, which was an ethnically diverse empire rivaling contemporary Indian empires and it fell to Islam in about 5 years, starting 637 CE. Then within about 100 years, the entire population  of PERSIA'was converted to Islam, by coercion or compulsion, the survivors exiled, became Parsis in India.

ITS A NOTABLE POINT,THAT Persia was united under  sassanid emperor, whereas Hindus were separate kingdoms and not united. Yet Hindus withstood far better than any other civilization and are still around.

Here is a rough timeline

·         640-840: About 200 years, the Shahis of Kabul and Zabul resisted the muslim  invaders.

·         Around 740 CE: 100 years later, Islam penetrated to Sindh, defeating Dahir. But the Chalukyas of Gujarat defeated them and kept them to the west of Sindhu.

·         Then for 200 years they could make little progress, in 1000 CE Ghazni was still fighting the successor Shahi Kingdoms around Peshawar., but Mahmud of Ghazni, was the first to break through the frontier kingdoms into the mainland reaching upto Varanasi.

·         However this was no conquest, but raids - looting, raping. They held no territory but only bled them.

·         Another 200 years till Mohammed of Ghor, 1191-92, after being defeated in Gujarat by Chaulukyas and by Chauhans, finally defeated Prithviraj, once Thaneshwar/Kannauj fell, his raiders ranged free across the flat Ganga alluvial plain, all the way to Bengal.

His successors established the first Islamic state to the east of Sindhu. Delhi Sultanate - 1206. So about 450 years since they first reached Sindhu.

So were Hindus are smart ?

Even after, wave after wave, region after region, resisted and repelled them,

Vijayanagar kings, Marathas, Sikhs, Rajputs, Ahom, Odiya, Jats - rulers and regions - large and small.

Vijayanagar Empire withstood Muslim invasions, and defeated them for longer than Mughals ruled India with power.

They paid the price and made the Muslims pay the price in blood. They compromised when needed and eventually the Muslim Sultans themselves came to agreements with rebels to different extents.

let's not forget the great Assamese Lieutenant Lachit Borphookan, of the Ahom empire who drove away the Mughal armies which had settled down in Assam and were planning to expand across the entire Northeast thereafter.

The Ahoms, by the way, have ruled over Assam for over 600 years, which is the longest stable empire formed in any part of India, and sadly no one knows about it.

 We can study and analyze individual choices and actions, but the net result was that, India remains significantly Hindu.

Very few cultures achieved that.

Spain - Hispania was taken in 711 CE, and the reconquista took 700 years until Granada fell in 1490s.

In a stretching arch from Morocco to Timor, Islam spread by the sword - broken only by India and SE region under the influence/protection of Indo-China.

 Let me elaborate this part of history which was a turning point in Indian history!

7th century AD:

A new religion takes birth in the deserts of Arab while India had already seen the birth and death of many great empires like the Mighty Mauryas and the Imperial Guptas. The northern India was currently under the powerful emperor Harshavardhana (contemporary of Muhammad, the founder of the new religion) while the South India was divided majorly between the Chalukyas and Pallavas.

The first Arab invasion (8th century AD):

King Harsha died without leaving any heir. This led to a power vaccum in North India leading to rise of several small states. This was exploited by initial Arab invaders under the Umayyad Caliphate. The ruler of Sindh, Dahir successfully thwarted the first two expeditions. However, Dahir was an unpopular king and hence many of his chiefs defected to Arabs under general Muhammad Bin Qasim. So, he was finally defeated by Qasim after a fierce battle.

After Qasim’s death (which was plotted by Dahir’s daughters), Dahir’s son recaptures the Eastern shore of Indus.

Qasim’s nephew, Junaid returns with a huge army.

During this time South India was ruled by the powerful Chalukya dynasty who had once defeated even King Harsha. Malwa was under Nagabhata I who was the founder of Gurjara-Pratihara dynasty ( Chauhans of Ajmer and Guhils of Mewar were his feduals). Kashmir was under King Laladitya of Karkota dynasty.

Junaid sent armies in three directions:

  1. Army sent to Punjab was defeated by King Laladitya of Kashmir.
  2. Army sent towards South India was able to defeat small kingdoms of Gujarat but was crushed by the powerful Chalukyas under King Vikramaditya II.
  3. Army sent towards Rajastan gained some initial success but was crushed by Nagabhata I and his fedual lords of Ajmer and Chittor (under Rana Pratap's ancestor Bappa Rawal) who killed Junaid and chased his armies till Sindh.

After this victory, Arabs remained silent for 250 years. This was the time when Khalifat empire was at its peak and extended from Sindh to Spain. However, they were unable to defeat Indians and enter the Indian heartlands.

Second invasion (11th century AD):


The three major kingdoms of Gurjara Pratiharas in North, Rashtrakutas in South who had overthrown Chalukyas and Palas of East had severely weakened due to constant infighting. Amidst this chaos, another invader Mahmud of Ghazni sacks India.

His nephew, Masud succeeds him and attacks India with the ambition to conquer it. He is defeated by the confederacy of Indian warriors under Raja Suhaldev Pasi and the famous Raja Bhoja of Malwa. (Read about this battle in the following link).

 the unheard Indian battle that took place in history?!

Battle of Baharaich.

Every Indian today is aware of Mahmud of Ghazni and his unstoppable 17 raids. His plunders are believed to form the basis of the later Islamic invasions. However, many people today are unaware of the aftermath of Ghaznavid empire.

Mahmud was followed by his nephew Masood Ghazni. Continuing Mahmud’s legacy, he invaded India with an army of more than 100,000 men in May 1031 AD. Unlike Mahmud's army which was basically a raiding party, Masood's army was backed by the imperial army and had attacked India with the intention of permanent conquest and Islamization of India.

King Anandpal Shahi tried to check this invasion along with the king of Sialkot. But, this alliance was overwhelmed by the superiority in numbers of the invading army. Masood continued his advance towards Indian mainland. King Mahipal Tomara also tried to check their advance but he was also defeated. After victories across Northern Indian plains, Masood camped at Bahraich which is near Lucknow.

Meanwhile, a historic alliance was being created under Raja Suhaldev Pasi and the famous Raja Bhoja of Malwa. 17 Indian Kings together forged an alliance. This was the biggest confederation that has ever existed in India.

On 13th June, an army of about 1,20,000 descended on the Ghazni camp of Bahraich. Masood's army was completely besieged and encircled. Each and every man in Masood's camp was killed. The battle ended on 14th June with the victory of the Indian federation.

The invasion was completely crushed and such resounding was this victory that none of foreign kingdoms dared to invade India for the next 160 years.

Nowadays I have seen many people mocking Rajput Kings by saying that they were unable to win even a single battle. This answer seeks to create awareness among such people. There have been many instances where Rajputs were successful in defeating their enemies. 

Battle of Rajasthan is another such example where Arabs were defeated by a federation of Rajput States. Indians are indebted to the Rajput Kings. They were extremely instrumental in keeping Arab invaders at bay for 3 centuries. This was the time when Khalifat empire was at its peak and extended from Sindh to Spain. However, they were unable to defeat Rajputs and enter Indian heartlands.

But it is a pity that these battles where native Indians crushed the invaders, which should have been the pride of Indians, are hardly mentioned in our history books.

This is an exemplary instance of how united Indian kings had the ability to create the most formidable force of the world !!

The battle-drums of this victory deafens the invaders for another 150 years.
Indians needs to reform their thinking to remove the present day portrayal as a third world country and uplift our image in our own eyes.

Role of religion,belief systems,caste leading to catastrophy of  Break india :

Even modern history kings like Shivaji have a disputed caste. Some say he is a kshatriya while some disagree.

Caste claiming of historical figures of our country is one of those sick trends present among Indians. They don't realise that caste is nothing. This British introduced word ‘caste' has spoiled the true meaning of our ‘mobile varna system' where each varna had a different kind of job and none was greater than the others.

Basic motto of this answer is not to talk about divisions among Indians on the basis of caste and religion but on the contrary, to talk about united strength of Indian kings.

To appreciate this answer, you need to place your nationality above your caste and religion.


So, there was always a resistance. The genocidal forces of the new desert religion were confronted with implacable resistance – the resistance continued from the towns, to the deserts, to the forests and far into the mountains. 

    According to the historian, Firishta it was the constant immigration of jihadists into India that kept their momentum up – the endless cycle of war and resistance claimed the lives of so many Arab, Turk and Persian warriors that a constant flow of migration was required to maintain the forces of Jihad in the land of the Pagans. 

    Indian kings were successful in keeping the Arabs at bay for around 4 centuries when the invaders were at the peak of their power. Arabs were successful only when there was a creation of a power vacuum in India or when some Indians betrayed their kins.

Sindh fell in 712 AD. Delhi - 1196 AD. It took various categories of invaders from west half a millennium to consolidate the area from Sindh to North India- which shows the level of resistance put up.

There is a STRONG MIGHTY reason why Hinduism survives today.

It's an resounding answer to "Why did Hindu kings of the Indian subcontinent fail to create a religious united front against Islamic invaders? Why were there no Indian “Crusades”?

They did not once but many times, which is the reason we exist today despite the genocides, loss of land and constant attack on culture and traditions.

What they failed to do was understand the fanaticism of the invaders who had no rules, no honor and no code, they were driven by mad lust for loot and promised a seat in so called paradise if they die.

Hindu Genocide during colonial rule.

British colonialism killed 100 million Indians in 40 years

Between 1880 to 1920, British colonial policies in India claimed more lives than all famines in the Soviet Union, Maoist China and North Korea combined.

According to research by the economic historian Robert C Allen, extreme poverty in India increased under British rule, from 23 percent in 1810 to more than 50 percent in the mid-20th century. Real wages declined during the British colonial period, reaching a nadir in the 19th century, while famines became more frequent and more deadly. Far from benefitting the Indian people, colonialism was a human tragedy with few parallels in recorded history.

Experts agree that the period from 1880 to 1920 – the height of Britain’s imperial power – was particularly devastating for India.

We do not know for sure what India’s pre-colonial mortality rate was, but if we assume it was similar to that of England in the 16th and 17th centuries (27.18 deaths per 1,000 people), we find that 165 million excess deaths occurred in India during the period from 1881 to 1920.

While the precise number of deaths is sensitive to the assumptions we make about baseline mortality, it is clear that somewhere in the vicinity of 100 million people died prematurely at the height of British colonialism. This is among the largest policy-induced mortality crises in human history. It is larger than the combined number of deaths that occurred during all famines in the Soviet Union, Maoist China, North Korea, Pol Pot’s Cambodia, and Mengistu’s Ethiopia.

colonial famines:

Till the medieval era, India never knew famines. How could it be? It was the only country in the world that raised three crops yearly. The earliest known famine was in Kalinga in 269 BCE but was wholly war-related. In the medieval era, the Islamic invasions frequently spawned famines that killed lakhs of people. However, after the arrival of the British, it became a decennial problem as from 1850 to 1899, 24 major famines occurred, the most in Indian history. Some even say it was deliberately engineered (or doctored?) by them to keep Indians under their feet.One such was the Agra famine of 1837 in which 8 lakh people died due to starvation and violence.

Even today, Risk for Mass Killing!

India is ranked eighth among the countries that are at the highest risk for mass killing in 2022 and 2023, a US-based research organisation has said

There is a 7.4% – or approximately one in 14 – chance of a new mass killing beginning in India in 2022-2023,” the Early Warning Project, that identifies countries at risk of mass violence, has said in its report released in November.

A mass killing, as per the report, is 1,000 or more civilians deliberately killed by armed forces (whether government or non-state), over a period of a year or less, because of their membership in a particular group. Virtually all cases of genocide include mass killings, if they match this definition, the report said.

‘risk factors’, used for the analysis include the countries’ basic characteristics (for example, geographic region, population); socioeconomic measures (changes in gross domestic product per capita); measures of governance (restrictions on political candidates and parties); levels of human rights (freedom of movement); and records of violent conflict (battle-related deaths, ongoing mass killings).

 SANATANA dharma and all our ancient and auspicious scriptures proclaims that, "all are one". But don't interpret that as ,"all bodies &minds are one". uniformity of the soul but not the gross and subtle bodies. one should practice dharma to be in peace &prosperity. if anybody or any group or any nature's excesses disturb the peace and prosperity of the society, then one should control& fight against such advances. Pollution that harms our bodies &mind &culture& civilization ,must be controlled at the earliest possible time.

one should know the hard facts and decide accordingly. Because we Hindus don't raise our kids with knowledge about our culture and atrocities we faced in past and just leave them to outside knowledge which is too one sided and mostly teach us to be inclusive. We must realize the current situation and teach our kids importance of Dharma and its purpose. When our GOD carry weapons…that means we should learn to protect self. It's not just physical protection we should learn but should learn to filter all the filth or anti indian (anti-Hindu )literature and knowledge that makes psuedo-seculars who spill beans with their tiny knowledge of few wrong practices.


This Series of four chapters ( 4 cuts)  is not meant to single out any religion but rather tyranny and despotism itself. This article do not say that all foreign religions are bad and tyrant. in fact even hinduism is also polluted with divisions basing on - 1.various school of thoughts( SHAIVA&VAISHNAVA) ,2.irrational beliefs( BASING ON SOCIAL AND CULTURAL NECESSITIES), 3.persecution of groups of men in the name of castes(WRONG INTERPRETATION OF SCRIPTURES), 4.gender discrimination,5. loud irrational utterances of few feudal religious lords, etc. Therefore, this article  is meant to alert the present society about impending irrationality, selfishness, tyranny in the name of religion!

  • Let us unite irrespective of caste,creed,religion and region!
  • Let us enrich&empower with knowledge,technology,war fare and commonsense.
  • Let us strengthen and seal off the borders of the nation and purge-out the conspirators& internal criminals, felony, gangsters, lawbreakers, malevolents, outlaws, perpetrators, racketeers!
  • Let us keep and enrich our ancient eternal culture and empower citizens by eradicating - - Sloth.,Fear, Greed.,Pride.,Lust.,Wrath.,Gluttony.and Envy.
  • Let us eradicate-substance abuse!

                                        JAI HIND
