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Patho-Physiology of duty!- chapter 1

chapter 1- Science of  choosing our work! 

            we know that basing on our status in the family, society & country and depending on one's age  every man has obligatory and compulsory duties, passions and responsibilities. 90% of our work has been done involuntarily by trillions of our cells. only remaining 10% work is organizational work that we are doing  voluntarily.

so, here is a question. How one can do his/her duties effectively? we savour the positive consequences of our work. But, How one can withstand and cope up with negative consequences of the work?

For every appliance there is a manual about its operation and trouble shooters. however, we the mankind don't have such manual except our ancient scriptures and modern self-help& personality development literature.

unless one is well versed with science of doing &coping with vagaries of   work, the organizational function  of human body &mind will be wayward and confused.

Let us explore our ancient and evergreen scriptures about doing work scientifically.  Basing on our objective, Whether it is for materialistic pursuit or spiritual pursuit, one can interpret the commandments proclaimed by cosmic guru sri krishna in BG!

Before we enter in to the intricacies of work(duties &responsibilities),Let us get clarity about the inherent nature of the mankind in general.

All  Living Entities  are made up of conscious energy that has been manifested as material. Entire manifested  universe has been categorized as 14 dimensions/ levels of manifestation and these are all made up of Maya (apparent consciousness).

Maya’s domain extends in all levels of manifestation. Since the three modes of nature—sattva, rajas, and tamas—are inherent attributes of Maya, they exist in all the material abodes of existence. Hence all living beings in these abodes, be they humans or the celestial gods, are under the sway of these three modes. The difference is only in the relative proportions of the three guṇas. The residents of the nether regions have a predominance of tamas; the residents of the earth planet have a predominance of rajas; and the residents of the celestial abodes have a predominance of sattva .

What we understood from above is- that all manifested beings including  mankind has 3 primordial  inherent attributes and are under the sway of these three modes.

Ancient scientists in their pursuit for peace, pleasure, prosperity and salvation of mankind, identified,that in a civilized society, there were four stages in life and four  occupational categories.


 The stages in life were:

1) Brahmacharya stage  ( gaining knowledge by learning, contemplation- student life), which lasted from birth till the age of 25.


2) Gṛihastha stage- Marriage system is foundation unit of  cooperation,coordination, adaptation , adjustment and sacrifice- household life), which was regular married life, from the age of 25 till 50.


3) Vānaprastha stage  (semi-renounced life -limited desires& easy contentment), which was from the age of 50 till 75. In this stage, one continued to live with the family but practiced renunciation.


4) Sanyās stage  (renounced order), which was from the age of 75 onward, where one gave up all household duties and resided in a holy place, absorbing the mind in God.


The four  occupational categories were - 1. Acharyas , 2.warrior and administrative class, 3.mercantile and 4.farming &worker class. These classes were not considered higher or lower amongst themselves.

       Since the center of society was Almighty, everyone worked according to their intrinsic qualities to sustain themselves and society, and make their life a success by progressing toward God-realization.


       Thus, in the classification system, there was unity in diversity. Diversity is inherent in nature and can never be removed. After mapping  the  intrinsic attributes  of people with their natural qualities of work, one can easily identify their swa-dharma!


Swa-dharma is the prescribed duties suitable to our inherent attributes and life stages. swa-dharma, based upon our past karmas and intrinsic competence. Remember, swa-dharma can be changed by our strong will, skill&fulfill. Performing swa-dharma ensures that we use the potential abilities of our body and mind in a constructive and beneficial manner. This leads to purification and growth, and is auspicious for the self and society.


And since the prescribed duties are in accordance with our innate qualities, we feel comfortable and stable in discharging them. Then, as we enhance our competence, the swa-dharma also changes and we step into the next higher class. In this manner, we keep advancing by dutifully executing our responsibilities.


 By performing one’s natural occupation, one worships the Creator. By such performance of work, a person easily attains perfection.

WORK IS WORSHIP' - When one is doing his/her prescribed duty in proper consciousness!

Performing duties with devotion and dedication transform the mundane work as divine worship. 

    if we discharge our natural duty ( SWA-DHARMA ), renouncing the desire for personal gain and rising above the fleeting happiness and misery coming our way, we will purify ourselves and graduate to the next class of dharma. In this manner, by doing the prescribed duties and not running away from them, the soul gradually evolves from its present gross consciousness to divine consciousness. 


It is better to do one’s own  innate duties (swa-dharma), even though imperfectly, than to do another’s dharma  perfectly.


When we do our swa-dharma (prescribed occupational duties), there is a two-fold advantage. It is in tune with our disposition. Hence, it is as natural to our personality as flying is to a bird and swimming is to a fish. Secondly, since it is comfortable to the mind, it can almost be done involuntarily, and the consciousness becomes free to be engaged in devotion.


Instead, if we abandon our duties thinking them to be defective, and take up another’s duties unsuitable for our nature, we struggle against the innate inclination of our personality. 

When one becomes spiritually accomplished the swa-dharma changes. It no longer remains at the bodily platform; it becomes the dharma of the soul, which is devotion to God. At that stage, one is justified in giving up occupational duties and engaging wholeheartedly in devotion because that is now the swa-dharma of one’s nature. 

For people with that eligibility, Shree Krishna will give the final conclusion in the end of the Bhagavad Gita: “Give up all varieties of dharmas and simply surrender unto me.” (18.66) However, until that stage is reached, the instruction is -"Do your swa-dharma with dedication,skill&perfection"!

Ref. :  Bhagavd Gita sung by yogeswar &Jagad Guru sri krishna


In the next chapter we will discuss about- science of doing work'.......
