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How to do work? - science of doing work'

 science of doing work'

In the last chapter we have discussed about-how to choose our work? in this chapter we will explore,how to deliver our duties and responsibilities effectively?

Many of us think,that bhagavad gita is only for salvation&moksha!  that notion has to be corrected. The pursuit of man for security&fulfillment shall be either in the path of dharma or in the path of moksha. we have to remember, unless we complete our inherent duties and responsibilities in a harmonious(dharmic) way,one shouldn't be qualified to enter in to the path of salvation. 

Contemplation of BG(gita slokas) facilitates every man to learn how to gain correct knowledge and tread the path of dharma and moksha.


THE POPULAR SLOKA -KARMANYEVADHIKARASTE (कर्मण्येवाधिकारस्ते मा फलेषु कदाचन ).... gives four instructions regarding the science of work: i.e  converting materialistic worldly  work(karma)  in to spiritual or divine work(karma yog).  

1) Do your duty, but do not concern yourself with the results. 2) The fruits of your actions are not for your enjoyment only. 3) Even while working, give up the pride of doer-ship. 4) Do not be attached to inaction.

Do your duty, but do not concern yourself with the results. We have the right to do our duty, but the results are not dependent only upon our efforts. A number of variables(factors) come into play in determining the results—our efforts, destiny (our past karmas-conditioning of subconscious mind), the will of cosmic consciousness, the efforts of others, the cumulative karmas of the people involved, the place and situation (a matter of luck), etc. Now if we become anxious for results, we will experience anxiety whenever they are not according to our expectations. So Shree Krishna advises us, to give up concern for the results and instead focus solely on doing a good job. The fact is that when we are unconcerned about the results, we are able to focus entirely on our efforts, and the result is even better than before.

The fruits of our actions are not for your enjoyment only. To perform actions is an integral part of human nature. Having come into this world, we all have various duties determined by our family situation, social position, occupation, etc. While performing these actions, we must remember that we are not the enjoyers of the results—the results are meant for the pleasure of  other beings in nature and obviously for  God in gratitude. Not only with gratitude but keep in mind always, that the individual soul is a tiny part of God (verse 15.7), and hence our inherent nature is to serve him through all our actions.

Even while working, give up the pride of doer-ship. Shree Krishna wants mankind'  to give up kartritwābhimān, or the ego of being the doer. He instructs us, never to chase after preconceived motives attached to our actions nor consider ourselves as the cause of the results of our  actions. However, when we perform actions, then why should we not consider ourselves as the doers of those actions? The reason is that our senses, mind, and intellect are inert; God (supreme intelligent cosmic consciousness) energizes us with his power and puts them at our disposal like electricity brightens a bulb! if God did not supply our body-mind-soul mechanism with the power to perform actions, we could have done nothing. Thus, we must give up the ego of doing, remembering that God is the only source of the power by which we perform all our actions.

Do not be attached to inaction. Although the nature of the living being is to work, often situations arise where work seems burdensome and confusing. In such cases, instead of running away from it, we must understand and implement the proper science of work.  It is highly inappropriate if we consider work as laborious and burdensome, and resort to inaction. Becoming attached to inaction is never the solution 

A Student aiming to become a doctor shall not psychologically deeply attached to this goal and keep brewing narratives and wishes all the time in his busy mind, rather shall plan his education and learning accordingly with positive mindset considering all the scenarios and requirements in reality.

A soldier in war combat must not be apprehensive about end result, not even he shall emotionally attached to its aspects. His combat skills, valour, presence of mind, fearlessness, courage, responsibility towards duty etc etc. may yield the outcome.

As per sloka of Karma, one must concentrate on present act being performed at that moment itself as this act will be responsible for upcoming events and happenings. We have hold on our acts (Karma) so lets concentrate on that, we have hold on this moment itself but can’t manipulate the past second and second coming ahead. Wishful desires can be created within mind but are not under our physical control so these endless wishes shall not distract us, disturb us physically or psychologically by any means.

Be steadfast and skillful in the performance of your duty.

you can enjoy the fruits and share them with others but abandon attachment to success and failure. Accept and move-on with better planning and skill to your next action. Such equanimity makes ordinary work(karma) as spiritual work otherwise termed in the scriptures as karma-Yog.

These lines are applicable to all spiritual seekers  those want to purify their mind&body from karmic baggage. karma is nothing but adherence &churning the past experiences which could condition our sub-consciousness!

DOING ONE'S OWN DUTY is dharma and Enjoying  one's own passion is Dharma as long as it doesn't hurt or harm you &others.   But remember, the duty and passion of the person might change basing on space,time,context.

what is dharma?

All harmless, pleasant ,constructive&positive acts,words&thoughts filled with kindness&gratitude is dharma. sacrificing one man for the welfare of one family is dharma. sacrificing one family for the welfare of one village is dharma. and so on,one  that bestow greater common goodness is dharma. Of all dharmas, divine acts are superior. 

when one face the challenge of tamas , can overcome that challenge in tamasic way is also dharma.

when one face the challenge of rajas  , can overcome that challenge in rajasic  way is also dharma.

one must do one's duties keeping in mind that one has no control over the fruits, how skilful one is!

"Do your duty, but do not concern yourself with the results"

"You have the right to perform your actions, but don't worry about the results and whatever result comes accept it with equanimity and plan further action accordingly without despondency or brooding over the negative result or elation with positive result. Enjoy the course and result of the duty by being in present moment' and  share the  happy result with others wilfully.

The Bhagavad Gita also says that one should never escape from one's duty: 

"Perform your responsibilities or duties while letting go of attachment and remaining even-minded in success and failure"

The creation works on certain formula. that formula is called as yajna in sanskrit and coordinated cooperation on our regular parlance.

"You have the right to work but for the work's sake only; you have no absolute right to the fruits of work"

"Desire for the fruits of work must never be your motive in working"

"Never give way to laziness, either"

"Perform every action with your heart fixed on the Supreme Lord"


but it doesn't mean, one has to stop by accepting everything. 

 one has to strive hard to analyze the incidents, issues, challenges and things and even relationships with lot of focus and try steadfastly to overcome the challenges!

one  shouldn't give more weightage to the consequences of the work/duty &responsibilities! whether this action yields any fruits or not? what if this action fail? can i cope up with bad consequences? but one has to think, plan and execute the duty with utmost focus and skill in ethical way!

We can’t work without expecting a result, in fact the result or goal of our actions must be crystal clear to us, if we’re pursuing it. 

But when the results do come in, we should know that we’ve done our duty, and it’s time to move onwards, and not get sidetracked or lose the plot or our sanity and character.

The other thing is, you’re expecting a result from all the hard work you’ve put in, but the results don’t come. What do you do? Do you sit back and lament the lost cause? 

Nope, not being attached to the fruits, whether they’re good or bad or do not fructify at all from the endeavor, you’re simply supposed to move onwards and continue doing your duty, ever more diligently.

So, expectation must be there, just not attachment to the result or outcome, that is not in your hands, only the effort is. Expecting the end result is part of the planning. but engulfing in end result like a vortex is injurious to the skill &performance.

In physics-  work is the act of transferring energy to displace or move any thing.The unit for work is the joule. 

In Human life- work is an act of transferring energy to execute the duties&responsibilities . The unit for life work is peace &fulfillment. 

Harmony,equanimity& equilibrium with yourself, neighbors,Nature&Higher consciousness should be  the fundamental principle of human life!

All the best.
