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Anthropomorphic machines are coming...

Do you prefer robos with human like emotional behavior ?

recognizing human emotions is one step and expressing human like emotions is another step in evolution of robots!

 scientists, have designed a program that enables a computer to recognize facial expressions of six basic is surely not long before they will acquire similarly advanced capacities for expressing emotions, and perhaps even for feeling them. In the future, it may be humans who are seen by computers as emotionally illiterate, not vice versa.

 scientists have proposed dozens of possible uses for emotional machines, including the following:

  • Artificial interviewers that train you how to do well in job interviews by giving you feedback on your body language.
  • NURSING and home attendant and helper are also some useful prospectives of emotional robos. 

● Affective voice synthesisers that allow people with speech problems not just to speak, but to speak in genuinely emotional ways

● Frustration monitors that allow manufacturers to evaluate how easy their products are to use

● Wearable computers ('intelligent clothing') that give you feedback on your emotional state so that you can tell when you are getting stressed and need a break.

All of these potential applications for emotional machines are resolutely utilitarian,but I think that most emotional machines in the future will be built not for any practical purpose, but purely for entertainment. If you want to envision the future of effective computing, don't think spacecraft and intelligent clothing – think toys and videogames.

 The gap between science fiction and science fact is closing. Today's computers and robots still have a long way to go before they acquire a full human range of emotions, but they have already made some progress. In order to make further progress, engineers and computer scientists will have to join forces with psychologists.

Increasing numbers of psychology students are opting to study robotics and artificial intelligence at university. The future lies in their hands!

 After reading the above i request you to do some pondering on -

What are emotions?

Is it good and safe to impart computers  with capacity of emotions?
