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Sex,sexuality and sensibility &science

 Sex,sexuality and sensibility &science

Sex, sexuality, and sensibility are interconnected aspects of human experience. Let's explore each of these concepts individually and discuss how they relate to one another.

Sex: Sex refers to the biological characteristics that categorize individuals as male or female based on reproductive functions and physical traits. These include anatomical differences, such as genitalia, chromosomes, and hormones. However, it's important to note that biological sex exists on a spectrum, and not everyone fits neatly into the categories of male or female. Intersex individuals, for example, possess variations in their sexual anatomy or chromosomal patterns.

Sexuality: Sexuality encompasses a person's sexual orientation, attraction, and sexual behaviors. It is a complex and multifaceted aspect of human identity. Sexual orientation refers to an individual's enduring pattern of emotional, romantic, and/or sexual attractions to men, women, both genders, or neither gender (asexual). Common sexual orientations include heterosexual, homosexual, bisexual, and pansexual, among others. It's important to respect and acknowledge the diversity of sexual orientations that exist.

Sensibility: Sensibility refers to an individual's emotional and intellectual responses to various stimuli, including those related to sex and sexuality. It encompasses a person's attitudes, beliefs, values, and cultural influences that shape their understanding and perception of these topics. Sensibility can be influenced by personal experiences, societal norms, cultural background, and upbringing. It plays a significant role in shaping one's sexual attitudes, desires, and behaviors.

The relationship between sex, sexuality, and sensibility is intricate and multifaceted. While sex is primarily a biological concept, sexuality and sensibility are influenced by a combination of biological, psychological, and sociocultural factors. One's sexuality may be influenced by their biological predispositions, but it is also shaped by personal experiences, social norms, cultural beliefs, and individual sensibilities.

Understanding and embracing the diversity of human sexuality and sensibility is crucial for promoting inclusivity, respect, and acceptance. It's important to recognize that people's experiences, identities, and desires can vary widely, and no single approach can capture the full complexity of human sexuality and sensibility. Open-mindedness, empathy, and education are key to fostering a more inclusive and understanding society when it comes to these aspects of human experience.

 Indian culture is sensible filled with gratitude and empathy. vedic manuals preaches, that all  desires and every pursuit to earn wealth and security shall be in the frame of dharma. 

Sanatana Dharma recognized that sexual repression is the root cause of all evil.The West has and will really never understood the Indian Kama Sutra.  These are unfortunate people who are NOT allowed to fondle their own children.  If they hold their best friends hand their society will look on them as gays.  

The Kama Sutra is basically a noble guide on human sexuality and gives you instructions on how to get a good wife,  how to make amazing love,  how to make yourself attractive to the opposite sex, how to have happiness at home , and much much more

The Kama Sutra teaches you what the other person’s needs are (physically and mentally) and how to fulfill them.

Here is a excerpt from the real Kamasutra -“. Women, being of a tender nature, want tender beginnings, and when they are forcibly approached by men with whom they are but slightly acquainted, they sometimes suddenly become haters of sexual connection, and sometimes even haters of the male sex”.

Sex is the symbol of this exclusive divine bond meant to procreate rather than for pleasure .

 sexual statues on temples is a way of learning the intricacies and sensibilities between opposite genders. vedic texts place a great emphasis on socio-psychological norms and at the same time put lot of efforts to make a society peaceful basing on profound scientific analysis.

In fact Indians  were the first to give surnames on the basis of the Y chromosome.  Men have one X chromosome and one Y chromosome while women have two X chromosomes. DNA swapping happens between a pair of chromosomes, and since the Y chromosome doesn’t have a pair, it can’t swap DNA.  So attributes &patterns stick around for a long time, and this was known to our ancient Vedic seers and they recorded this phenomenon 7000 year ago!

when compared to western hemisphere, we will not see too many colour blind people ( or homosexuals / transgenders )  in India, because of the Gotra system.

in India, since vedic times, sex is a sacred desire  that has to be fulfilled only in the frame of marriage system. vedic indians gave lot of importance to how to get healthy virtuous  offspring. The main objective of consummation of marriage is to beget good chivalrous offspring and fulfilment of sacred desire -kama. That's why Maharishi Vatsa(His name is not Vatsyayana) written kama-sutra. Maharishi Vatsa’s father is Maharishi Kautsa

As like sulba-sutra is to conduct yajna and homa, kama-sutra is to make the marriage as happy blissful system.

unfortunately as like all our sacred texts spoiled& twisted, the book Kama-sutra translated by  Richard Francis Burton is filled with stuff lifted from a sex manual written by Kalyana malla in the 15th or 16th century to appease  Lad Khan, son of Ahmed Khan Lodi. 

What Maharishi Vatsa wrote was essentially  a GRIHASTA manual for a man to enjoy his life from the age of 25 to 50,  after passing the BRAHMACHARYA ( celibate ) stage.  The main thrust was that there should be NO divorce and a couple should be compatible and get good children.

The name of Maharishi Vatsa appears in the Vedas as the commentator of Gautam sutra of Nyaya darshan .Maharishi Vatsa was one of the descendants of Bhrigu Kul.   This noble and learned Maharishi is NOT capable of writing such ultra impropriety and indecent kamasutra what is available now!

According to vedic life manuals( sruti- smriti-puranas), sex is sacred only if it is marital. vedic manuals  absolutely prohibits premarital or extramarital sex.   

Any expression of sex in vedic manuals are the expressions of genuine beauty to procreate out of love , and not pornography. 

Sex in vedic life, is a god given act  by which a married couple surrenders the ego, at the same time achieving satisfaction and progeny.

Grihastha  period begins when a man gets married, and undertakes the responsibility for earning a living and supporting his family.  During this worldy period of which pleasure of 5 senses is a part ( Kama ) , Sanatana Dharam supports the pursuit of wealth ( artha) as a necessity,within limits , without hedonism , without debauchery under certain defined social and cosmic norms. 

There was no prostitution in Bharat' till the invaders came in. The immoral barbaric  invaders created whorehouses for their troops and made a devious whoring system by the name of DEVADASIS

During the colonial period, the interpretation and representation of Indian sacred texts were often influenced by the cultural biases and agendas of the colonial writers. Many Western scholars, missionaries, and administrators encountered Indian texts and traditions that were vastly different from their own cultural backgrounds. In their attempts to understand and translate these texts, they often imposed their own frameworks, biases, and preconceived notions onto them. This led to interpretations and translations that may not have accurately captured the full depth and subtleties of the original texts.

Additionally, the colonial writers were influenced by the prevailing Christian worldview, which sometimes led them to view Indian religious and philosophical traditions through a lens of superiority or judgment. They may have misinterpreted or distorted certain aspects of Indian texts to fit their own religious or ideological narratives by inserting fake slokas or sutras in to the real manuscripts with the help of sanskrit scholars of those times.

In recent years, there has been a growing recognition of the need to critically examine the colonial interpretations of Indian texts and to promote indigenous voices and perspectives. Scholars from various backgrounds, including Indians themselves, have been engaging in rigorous research and analysis to present alternative interpretations and restore a more accurate understanding of these sacred texts.
