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CLINICAL INTELLIGENCE ENGINE : Role of Artificial Intelligence in Health care and public health management!

It’s an Intuitive Clinical Assistant, developed by Apollo and distributed freely to all doctors that can be a game changer especially for day to day OPD care especially in primary and secondary care. 

The Clinical Intelligence Engine (CIE) is capable of analyzing vast amounts of data to help healthcare professionals in differential diagnosis .

Numerically, the intelligence engine has over 1300 conditions and 800 symptoms in its vocabulary, covering 95 per cent of everyday case mix in OPDs. Built by over 100 engineers, using 40 years of data from Apollo and the collective intelligence of 1000s of doctors along with supporting data from peer-reviewed journals, it is among the largest connected health data lakes in the world, which has been tested and validated by quite a few global academic institutions.

This intuitive clinical engine can -

1. Bridge the gap in increased healthcare demand with multi- channel access to safe, clinically validated health interactions.

2. Provide actionable assistance to patients.

3. Assist primary doctors even in remote areas to provide quality care by getting answers to problems accurately & quickly and assist them to refer the patient at right time to right doctor.

The CIE ( Clinical Intelligence Engine)  is capable of analyzing vast amounts of data to help healthcare professionals identify patterns which may be missed otherwise!

The Apollo Hospitals group has announced the launch of Apollo Clinical Intelligence Engine (CIE)- a clinical decision support tool, to be open to use by all India doctors on Apollo 24|7’s platform. 

Developed using the latest techniques in AI and Machine Learning, this tool aims to revolutionize Indian healthcare by exponentially elevating the accuracy of diagnosis, doctor productivity and patient satisfaction, all in one go.

Designed specifically for the South Asian Region mix, this indigenous breakthrough is powered by a knowledge base built, maintained and periodically reviewed by an in-house team of more than 500 Apollo doctors and specialists. It helps and support differential diagnosis situations as well, enabling doctors to be more prompt and precise for better clinical outcomes.

Dr Prathap C. Reddy, Chairman, Apollo Hospitals Group said, " The CIE could not be restricted to Apollo but needed to be shared with doctors across India. This will be able to make Indians healthier through timely and more accurate diagnosis independent of geographical, regional or income divides.”

The launch of the game-changing Apollo Clinical Intelligence Engine is a major milestone

 Currently more than 4000 Apollo doctors are using it and have seen a considerable impact in their diagnosis outcomes; it has become a part of their routine OPD operations. We are committed to using technology to improve the healthcare experience for patients and physicians, and the Apollo CIE is a testament to that commitment.”

Apollo CIE analyses users symptoms, determines the cause and recommend next best actions. It is a self-learning engine that helps doctors stay abreast with access to an ocean of knowledge. Last year alone, the CIE has been able to take into considerations over 6,00,000 new developments as result of clinical papers that get released.

The CIE is available for use in Apollo Hospitals and will be available for wider use on 6th February, 2023.

  Digital clinical solutions have seen a modest adoption rate in the healthcare community, especially among doctors. However, as the healthcare industry gears up to embrace technological advancements, we are witnessing the role of credible, AI-enabled systems in enhancing efficiency, accuracy and accessibility. 

From improving the clinical workflow and analyzing data for better diagnosis, to health monitoring and digital consultations, these tech interactions are changing the healthcare industry for the better.

Patients who often rely on online resources for health queries, including symptoms, conditions, and treatment options, can benefit from clinical AI solutions by receiving automated, personalized insights in real-time.

The Clinical Intelligence Engine is built to understand and analyze a patient’s health information to provide contextual, personalized info with actionable insights to both patients and doctors. 

It is a technology foundation built to assist both the doctor and patients, in primary care, condition management and wellness.


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