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Can doctors provide medical certificate?

The certificate should only be issued in respect of an illness or injury observed by the doctor or reported by the patient, and deemed to be true by the doctor.

 What was mentioned in the medical certificate?

The medical certificate should have all of the following: name and address of the practitioner issuing the certificate. name of the patient. date the examination took place.

Medical certificate granted by a qualified medical practitioner holding at least M.B.B.S. Degree and registered with Medical Council of India, shall only be valid. The date of issue of the medical certificate should be within one year from the date of application.

How many days can a doctor give medical certificate?

15 days

Normally, a certificate should be issued only for a maximum of 15 days. If further leave is needed, further certificates should be issued after that period of time.

Who can issue a medical certificate?

(1) Such a certificate shall be signed by a Medical Board in the case of a Gazetted Government servant and by a Civil Surgeon or a District Medical Officer or a Medical Officer of equivalent status in the case of a non-gazetted Government servant other than Class IV.

Is private doctor medical certificate valid?

They are 100% legit. 

 What qualifies as medical certificate?

 In order to be considered valid, documentation of a medical certificate must include: Being in the form of an official, original & hard copy document. The name and address of the practitioner issuing the certificate clearly stated. Date the certificate is written and signed by the practitioner

 What do doctors write on medical certificates?

In general, the certificate should include: The name and address of the doctor and the patient. The name and address of the party requiring the certificate (if required), such as an employer or school administrator. The specific period of time off work that is medically justifiable.

 Is handwritten medical certificate valid?

The following guidelines are suggested when completing a valid sickness certificate and registered medical practitioner while issuing a certificate of ill health should mention following points: 1. The certificate should be filled in legible handwriting.

 How do you know if a medical certificate is real?

If you suspect that an employee's medical certificate has been falsified, you can contact the employee's doctor. Although they may not share the employee's diagnosis with you, you'll be able to confirm that the employee has been seen by a doctor on the date provided and was certified unfit for work.

 What is a medical report?

A structured format incorporating elements of background information, medical history, physical examination, specimens obtained, treatment provided and opinion is suggested.


Indian Medical Council (Professional Conduct, Etiquette and Ethics) Regulations, 2002 (Published in Part III, Section 4 of the Gazette of India, dated 6th April, 2002) MEDICAL COUNCIL OF INDIA NOTIFICATION



 a) Under the acts relating to birth, death or disposal of the dead.

 b) Under the Acts relating to Lunacy and Mental Deficiency and under the Mental illness Act and the rules made thereunder. 

c) Under the Vaccination Acts and the regulations made thereunder. 

d) Under the Factory Acts and the regulations made thereunder.

e) Under the Education Acts. 

f) Under the Public Health Acts and the orders made thereunder. 

g) Under the Workmen‟s Compensation Act and Persons with Disability Act. 

h) Under the Acts and orders relating to the notification of infectious diseases. 

i) Under the Employee‟s State Insurance Act. 

j) In connection with sick benefit insurance and friendly societies. 

k) Under the Merchant Shipping Act. 

l) For procuring / issuing of passports.

 m) For excusing attendance in courts of Justice, in public services, in public offices or in ordinary employment. 

n) In connection with Civil and Military matters. 

o) In connection with matters under the control of Department of Pensions. 

p) In connection with quarantine rules. 

q) For procuring driving licence.

*** Foot Note: The Principal Regulations namely, “Indian Medical Council (Professional Conduct, Etiquette and Ethics) Regulations, 2002” were published in Part – III, Section (4) of the Gazette of India on the 6th April, 2002, and amended vide MCI notifications dated 22/02/2003, 26/05/2004 & 14.12.2009.

