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What is IMA? How a doctor become a member? what are its wings&schemes?

out of more than 2,500 Indian associations that cover and cater to trade and industries; professions and professional fields; products and manufacturers; services and services providers; communities and social causes in our country, IMA is the largest association.

With over 3,50,000 member doctors in more than 1,750 active local branches in 34 states and union territories in India, it is the largest association of physicians and medical students in India. The IMA is headquartered in New Delhi.

HOW THE I.M.A. Functions:

The general control management and direction of the policy of the Association is vested in the ‘Central Council’ to which local branches send representatives. Central council  meets once a year to lay down policies. It delegates its powers to ‘ Central WORKING COMMITTEEE’ (A representatives body of all state Terr. Branches) for implementation of programmes and activities (but without powers to change the rules). 

This CWC committee meets at least three times a year to execute various activities for welfare of members and the people in matters of health.

Now you are a proud member of the IMA.

The following flyers &Info shall be kept in all local branches. 
The minimum responsibility of local branch presidents& secretaries is spread the Right information at Right time to all members.
IMA LIFE MEMBERSHIP FEES &  IMA WINGS & IMA SCHEMES & other important details:

1.Membership Enrollment.

2.Transfer of membership in between the states and with in the state.

3. Campaign for IMA AP state welfare schemes-FBS & APPA FSS & PPW.

4. Establish branch chapters of- CGP , AMS &WDW(Women doctors wing).

5. The important social media links of IMA AP state -
web site :

twitter : @imaapstate

6. All type of application forms of IMA AP &ITS WINGS& ITS SCHEMES can be down loadable from the web site (

7. The important social media links of IMA AP state welfare schemes:

8.The important social media links of IMA HQ:
Twitter : @IMAindiaorg

IMA MSN - Medical Students Network



IMA Hospital Board of India:

IMA HBI mail id:         

IMA has been pursuing the academic activities and continuing education of its members through its academic wings viz., IMA College of General Practitioners (IMA CGP) and the IMA Academy of Medical Specialities (IMAAMS).

 Through the IMA CGP which is a Founder member of the World Organization of the National Colleges and Academies, (WONCA)
IMA College of General Practitioners has been conducting regular examinations twice a year and the successful candidates became eligible for the award of Fellowship..
IMA College of General Practitioners has a publication named “Continuing Medical Education” Bulletin. With a view to make it more relevant to Family Medicine, the title of this Bulletin has been changed to “Family Medicine – India” from the year 1996.

The IMA AMS also awards Fellowships every year to selected highly distinguished specialists.

Indian Medical Association publishes a Scientific Journal called ‘Journal of the Indian Medical Association’ a copy of which is mailed to each and every member of the Association. “Your Health” in English and “Aap Ka Swasthya” in Hindi are published regularly and cater to health education needs of the lay public.

Note: The membership fees is as on feb-2022.
Local branches  may collect branch component fees as per their discretion.

All doctors of Andhra kindly enroll in welfare schemes of the IMA AP STATE-FBS &FSS, for financial security of 25lakhs to nominees. For details contact Dr.venugopal 7013724001& Dr.jayasekhar 9160155222

Our IMA AP state office address:

  •  27-1-11, IMA Hall, Eluru Road, Vijayawada - 02

  •     +91 73966 68885


For any more information, please contact:

The Honorary General Secretary,
Indian Medical Association,
I.M.A. House, Indraprastha Marg,
New Delhi.
State Secretary in your State
Local Branch Secretary in your Town.

