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Showing posts from April, 2021

High Purity Oxygen Generator

Medical Oxygen Generator | Medical Oxygen Plant

use Remdesvir very very carefully and rationally ! plz dont misuse it !

The following truths are based on  Solidarity Trial and the Adaptive COVID-19 Treatment Trial (ACCT1), which was a large trial in the UK and Europe.  in the Solidarity Trial, no one benefited from any sub-group. “Based on available evidence, there were about five trials... which essentially showed that Remdesivir given to hospitalised patients, didn’t reduce mortality, it didn’t reduce the duration of hospitalisation and it didn’t affect the progression of the disease”. it means it has no efficacy! As per Pune doctors,  that it is very possible to save patients without the Remdesivir. They added that it “only reduces hospital stay by two days at the most.” plz dont get anxious about Remdesvir.    As per Solidarity Trial and the Adaptive COVID-19 Treatment Trial (ACCT1), which was a large trial in the UK and Europe, those who did not need oxygen (mild disease) also did not benefit, those who got very high oxygen (i.e. they needed more oxygen suppor...

EzeCheck Demonstration

EzeRx - India's most Innovative and disruptive Health Tech Startup

Enable Ginger Cannot connect to Ginger Check your internet connection or reload the browser Disable in this text field Rephrase Rephrase current sentence Edit in Ginger × A Revolutionary Medical Device! EzeCheck is a  non-invasive  pathological gadget to detect anemia and diagnose liver and lung problems and deliver results in just few seconds! But what really makes it unique is that it does so without taking a  single drop of blood  from your body! Easy-to-use Quick results Inexpensive