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khichdi medical system" leads to cocktail of disaster'.

 Is it the first time that BAMS graduates who have studied MS ayurveda can do surgeries?


AYUSH Ministry Says Ayurveda Docs Allowed to Do Surgery Since 2016

Ministry said the new notification is a “clarification” of provisions in previously existing regulations of 2016.

The AYUSH Ministry on Sunday, 22 November, issued clarifications over the Indian Medicine Central Council (Post Graduate Ayurveda Education) Amendment Regulations 2020, saying that "the notification is specific to 58 specified surgical procedures and doesn't allow Shalya and Shalakya PGs to take up any other surgeries”,

This pertains to a recent move in the Central government notified that Ayurveda doctors will now be allowed to perform a variety of general surgeries like ENT, ophthalmology, and dental procedures.

This move came after the Central Council of Indian Medicine (CCIM), which regulates the medical study and practice of Ayurveda, amended the Indian Medicine Central Council (Post Graduate Ayurveda Education) Regulations, 2016, to allow the PG students of Ayurveda to practice general surgery.

In a gazette notification dated November 20, the CCIM amended the Indian Medicine Central Council Regulations, 2016 to introduce formal training and practice of surgeries to the PG students of  The students would receive training in 'shalya' (general surgery) and 'shalakya' (diseases of ear, nose, throat, eye, head, oro-dentistry) specialisations. It will make them legally valid to perform procedures such as skin grafting, cataract and root canal treatment.

what IMA is doing?

IMA strongly resisting the  Centre's move.

 Indian Medical Association has strongly condemned the move.

The IMA stated that it saw this move as a retrograde step of mixing the systems.

"All over India, students and practitioners of modern medicine are agitated over this violation of mutual identity and respect.

IMA also urged the CCIM to develop its own surgical disciplines from its own ancient texts and not claim the surgical disciplines of modern medicine as its own.

 IMA draws the 'Lakshman Rekha'

"IMA unequivocally condemn the uncivil ways of the Central Council of Indian Medicine to arrogate itself to vivisect modern medicine and empower its practitioners with undeserving areas of practice. The said council has come out with a gazette notification of a list of surgical procedures which can be performed by its practitioners. They have no right to the technical terms, techniques and procedures of modern medicine.

 Let every system grow on its own strength and purity,

The latest move by the Centre is an addition to the host of decisions taken amid the Covid-19 pandemic, which shows an impending paradigm shift in healthcare from modern medicine to the traditional form.

Annulling the Medical Council of India to form Medical Commission and introducing Commission for Allied and Healthcare Professions Bill, 2020, which allows assorted paramedics to practice medicine independently, are a few of the decisions which have put the modern medicine practitioners in deep concern regarding the future of healthcare.

The IMA has been openly opposing such policy moves by the Centre, especially the plan to mix modern medicine with the traditional systems of Ayurveda, Yoga and Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha, and Homoeopathy (AYUSH), in coming years, as envisaged by the Centre.

Rajan Sharma, President, IMA, had earlier stated that an integrative system of medicine would create a "khichdi medical system" and would produce hybrid doctors.

The apex body of private practitioners of modern medicine had also condemned the Centre's ambitious 'one nation one system' policy in medical education and called it a 'cocktail of disaster'.
