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what happened to Modi Ji ?! why he demolished our country?

Modi ji is failed PM and remained to be so in the history of our country!
infact,i have been supporting him in my previous blog posts,believing he will bring wonders and transform our country for better. but to my and crores of indians dismay,he spoiled the country's progress!

Though our PM has no minimum knowledge of economics,he is boasting of his false knowledge and adamant in his opinions. At least  he would have give his ears to intelligent and practical financial advisers
In his first stint as PM, He doesn't care about primary education,primary medicare and primary justice. He doesn't look in to the travails of women, farmers and jawans.
Indians put a lot of hope on him and that why he came into power. Since then, he has been disappointing all year by year!.

What was expected from him as PM?
·         Governance should be changed from colonial east indian type administration.
·         All educational material including STEM subjects should be revised to suit the present times and be in local languages.
·         Provision of uninterrupted drug supply to all PHCs and sub centers.
·         provision of better quality electric supply and free mechanization of farming and best supportive price system to agri produce.
·         Establishment of fast track courts to deal with offenses of economical and social nature.
·         Repealing of age old and ineffective and impractical and out of date ' Mc caulay acts" and promulgation of newer, effective, DEMOCRATIC & FEDERAL upto date practical acts &regulations.
·         strengthening the judiciary system and bringing back trust& faith in the judiciary system by implementing the acts stringently.

But what was happened?
·         DEMO/GST/Lofty slogans/Feel good demeanor.. THAT’S ALL! 
·         Perpetuating the communal clashes and caste wars and raise of atrocities on weaker gender to gain the polarization of votes to their advantage.
Why Modi ji utter flapped as PM?
He always just sounds wise,mature and sensible. As a communicator he is very wise,compassionate and empathetic but in implementation of actions,he is very astute,adamant and futile. His demeanor is extremely narcissistic and over flowing with superiority complex.

 what he said and how he support his mega blunder DEMO,by spreading the lies such as that due to the DEMO effect, black money&Fake currency is flowing in ganga waters and the govt is going to deposit 15lacs in each and every account.

Remember, a leader is rarely required to do anything with his or her hands. But he has to constantly do the most tiring thing in the world – make judgements, decisions, which can improve or ruin the lives of millions of people. It’s a taxing, thankless task, and the mind must have the space to juggle complex permutations and trade-offs before taking the final call.

If you are always hyper busy, on the move, giving unending rhetorical speeches – a la Modi – you physically exhaust and suppress your intelligence.
So instead of Searching for the simplest solution, Modi succumbed to the obvious, clichéd ones.
He would have allowed colleagues to make honest mistakes while searching for creative solutions, instead of  petrifying  them with the consequences of failure.
Modi ji would have Surrounded by people who can dare to disagree, and thereby enrich his own perspective but he created a cabal of couriers.

Modi ji himself very hardworking . 
 Many of his subordinates are not intelligent but are hardworking who are no value to the system of ministrys. such ministers should be fired immediately, but he can’t do that in our hidebound administrative structure.

But What If another person like chandrababu or nitish or naveen patnaik or xyz as PM ,they may Chosen to be  more Intelligent and “ more practical!”?
Aaah, now that’s getting into entirely speculative terrain, but what the heck, here goes:

  • The Demonetisation misadventure may never have happened; and even if it did, ATMs would have worked since all the notes would have been of the same size.
  • GST would have been “piloted” in a few districts, glitches ironed out, before inflicting it on everybody.
  • Parliament may have worked smoothly.
  • The petrol price bonanza of 2014 may have been used to recapitalise banks, solving the twin balance sheet problem, and catapulting the economy near a double digit growth track.
  • Hate mongers would have been curbed;
  • minorities would not have been alienated.
  • Cattle trade would not have been disrupted, avoiding major farm distress.
  • Urban crime may have been better controlled; 
  • police force more sensitised.
  • Supreme Court may not have been in turmoil.
the prospective speculation goes on...!
i am not ridiculing the modi ji as a person but i am disappointed with Modi ji as PM!
When we pin more hopes on any person,if he failed, our dissent and disappointment also in proportion of our hopes.
If we want to  remain as democratic,federal republic country, Modi ji shouldn't be our next PM.

Jai Hind.
