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North -South divide ?!

Indian population is growing much faster in the north – and the south is paying the price.

 why because, 
  • as per the indian constitution,the number of MP seats are in direct proportionate to the size of the population.
  • Not only that as per the economic commission,the allocation of funds and grants to the states are also in direct proportionate to the population. 
  • Due to dire conditions and poor infra development and lesser job opportunities in high populous states of north india,the exodus of migration towards southern states has been rising year by year.
India is one nation.why inter-state immigration is an issue?
 Though India is a multi-ethnic, uber-polyglot country of 1.3 billion people,migration across the region caused tensions sharp enough to break the confederation. 
why southern states are less populous?
because they know,that large people means resources be shared. Thats why majority of southern people strictly limited their offspring to one or two children.So,the fertility rate in all 5southern states is below 1.5 which means births are lesser than deaths.
what are the implications of this population disparity in India? 
 southern states contribute much more to the Indian Union’s finances per capita than, say, Uttar Pradesh or Bihar, but get much less funding from the Center. thats-why southern states,  feel neglected.
how it can be corrected?
parliament seats and fund allocation should be in direct proportionate to the per capita contribution to the Indian Union’s that way, the people of northern states get aware of the importance of lesser population and higher productivity.
what about inclusive growth? one should handhold lesser economy states.
yes, one could agree that cooperation is mandatory in any structure or society.  that doesn't mean one has toil day&night and produce the wealth and another happily breeding the kids with out any responsibility towards the nation. Inclusive growth means one should obey the laws of the society  equally and then only one should share whatever they produce.
what is happening is that main national parties having their base and belonged to cow belt and Bimaru states,they are allocating 70% of the funds to the northern states  and  allocating immense funds towards vote centric welfare schemes making the people more lazy and showing discrimination towards south india.
if the govts allocating funds for infrastructure and job creation in northern states,no body will object.but the situation is different as the political parties seeing the people not as humans but as vote banks. 

Note: In 1976, Parliament – then under the Emergency – passed a constitutional amendment that froze the number of seats each state had in Parliament as per the 1971 Census. The freeze was to end in 2000. But because it was so expedient, Parliament, in 2001, extended it till 2026. 
