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An Appeal to medical fraternity

Dear colleagues, presidents and secretaries of local IMA branches,

Medical profession along with medical education& Medicare are in crisis.
To save the profession from the clutches of retrograde undemocratic acts, IMA decided to wage war against faulty &draconian acts and impending bills like NMC.
In this war,we,the IMA has won First Battle but you know the War must  Continue to reach our target. 

Out of many draconian acts, NMC Bill is the greatest catastrophe to our medical profession. But for the strong intervention of IMA the bill would have been a reality by now. The massive lobbying and the decisive National IMA Surgical Strike on 02.01.2018 could only buy a reprieve of few weeks. Only the sustained resistance from the alert medical fraternity and the medical students can save the profession from the onslaught of the bill.

IMA anticipates that the Parliamentary standing committee report on NMC will be tabled in Loksabha during the second part of the Budget session between March 5 th and April 9 th . Hence there is an urgent need to reach out to every member of our fraternity and to the every student of our medical colleges. The second round of confrontation may need extraordinary strength. Only the collective might of the profession coupled with the student power can STOP NMC at this stage.

We all know that the bill is undemocratic and anti federal in nature with non representative character. Not only the bill is anti student and anti poor but is also blatantly prorich.

Legalising cross pathy will destroy the Health of our people for generations to come. IMA has put up our case strongly before the Parliamentary Standing committee.
Coming 6weeks are very crucial. That’s why several steps have been planned by IMA to checkmate the bill.

 To CONSOLIDATE THE FRATERNITY&Medicos,national IMA along with state&local chapters initiated " IMA YATRA from.25 th February to 25 th March 2018 

Health is different from Health care.
Medical profession is one of the crucial tool in health care along with Drugs,devices and diagnostics. 
Since independence, our govts neglecting health, health care and since 3 decades targeting the medical profession due to which... 
Medical profession is in doldrums ---
1.. The Consumer Protection Act (CPA ​1986) - first major strike on the medical profession to protect the interests of ​PATIENTS and overnight doctors were equated with petty traders and patients are consumers​.​
2. By 1995 CPA is applicable to free medical services also.
​                                      IMA DEMANDS Amendment.​
3. ​T​hrough corporatization of medical education and medical services, technology& Money became central to the medical education &the treatment process.
IMA demands categorization of hospitals basing on type of service, size of the hospital and place of the hospital.​

4. PCPNDT Act restricted use of technology essential to save pregnant women .
The sex ratio of 0-6 years actually worsened after this act. A social ill was tried to be treated by a legislative and bureaucratic pill with disastrous consequences.​

IMA demands total repealing or amendments to the PNDT act.​

5. Clinical Establishment Act is another blow to Small and Medium Health ​ ​care establishments which are providing the 70 % of health care needs of the country .
IMA demands amendments to the act.​

6. NMC Bill.- The Deathblow to the Medical ​profession.
· Cross pathy --- ​(Bridge courses to nurses,dentists and AYUSH persons)​ leading to marginalization of rural Indians​

· National EXIT exam for doctors.

· Beurocratization and politicization of regulatory body.

· Degradation of medical education.

IMA demands total repeal of the NMC bill​.
