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New kit may detect malaria in secs, for just Rs 10

New kit may detect malaria in secs, for just Rs 10

a mobile, low-cost malaria detection system, which can also diagnose dengue with some modifications.

"We have attached a mobile phone camera on a paper microscope which can be used to take image of blood sample on a slide with some chemicals, and the data can be processed at a central server to detect the presence of malaria cell," Dr Arindam Biswas, Shibpur Head of Department, IT, IIEST, said.

The paper microscope, also known as 'foldscope' is an optical microscope that can be assembled from simple components. The results are relayed back to the remote client, and doctor registered in database can access the data and prescribe treatment accordingly.

 All tests performed by the system are automatically logged on remote central server.
