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Team IMA's 'Kadam kadam badhaye Ja"

The Team IMA has been doing wonderful work. Especially since two years, under the helm of 
Dr. KK.Aggarwal ji as secretary general and the president,
the team IMA has Reinvigorated the association and made large strides to solve many challenges that are plaguing the Modern medical fraternity.

By organizing such amazing countrywide  protesting activities  like ---

  • STOP NMC Satyagraha;
  •  IMA National Solidarity Day ( for violence in SIRSI,PUNE,ALLAHABAD and  BIWANI);
  •  National Medicos strike (NO to National EXIT Exam )
  • IMA National Solidarity Day ( against  violence in Maharashtra);
  • National Black Day against WB CEA; 
  • Dilli Chalo, 
and by doing some effective parleys with govt authorities like MOH,MCI,DGHS, PMO, 
the Team IMA made the govt to oblige...
1.  to change rules( not amendment of acts)  in CEA and PNDT Act.

2. MOH Requested the Law ministry for initiation of an enactment of central law against violence.

3. MOH Directed the MCI to make a task force to make recommendations based on Jacob Mathew Case regarding criminal prosecution of medical doctors.its good to note, that MCI has made a committee on IMS with IMA in the committee.

4. govt yielded to our demand of democratization of NMC.   Proposed NMC will have a democratic structure maintaining the same ratio as present IMC Act (60:40 ratio of nominated vs elected body). Out of 29 members nine will be elected doctors, 5 will be selected doctors and 15 (10 doctors) will be nominated.

5.  Both the Government and the agency have climbed down  on the generic drugs issue and the status quo  has been restored.

6. Governemnt has agreed  that modern medcinec can only be written by modern doctors. 

But still the govt is reluctant to cap the compensation in CP cases and  is resistant on demands "to stop NMC & is ambivalent on "NEXT exam  and no concrete action has been taken on the inter ministerial committee recommendations.

so,to sensitise our medical fraternity and cross section of the people and to make the Govt to fulfill our demands,
we the Team IMA  has decided to do... 
Dawn to Dusk Fasting  on Mahatma gandhi jayanti day, 2.10.2017

So,my dear doctors
Aao...'Kadam kadam badhaye Ja" 
