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Small Private hospitals to get exemption from " fire no objection certificate(NOC)

With proactive initiation of Dr.Kamineni srinivas along with state home minister and municipal minister in GoM constituted to look into the grievances raised by IMA regarding difficulties faced by 4000odd hospitals in getting NOC from fire safety department.

Some of the suggestions mooted in the meeting:
1.categorising the building as three types; buildings of having all fire safety norms (open space around the hospital etc.) are under first category, buildings without setbacks but having fire safety equipment are under second category and unsafe buildings of fire point of view are third category.
2.buildings of up to six meters of height will be given exemption from fire NOC. Day care clinics such as dental, ophthalmology clinics may also be given exemption if they are in single floor building.
3. to exempt hospital buildings (even though they are above 15meters height) that were built before 2006 but getting NOC from fire department is compulsory to the hospital buildings built after 2006 .
4. hospitals having single floor and no in-patient wards need not to get NOC (no objection certificate) from Fire Department. 

Hopefully, The government will issue a GO in this regard soon.... !
