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Generic Medicines... to write or Not to write ?

Dr KK Aggarwal, IMA National President Advise on
Generic drugs

Every body must remember each pharma makes , 
Generic Generic drugs and sell it with generic name.
Generic trade drugs and sells with un-promoted brands
Generic brand drugs and sells it with promoted brand names
Name of the drug is written in all three formats.
Brand version of their drug may be ten times costlier, quality remaining the same.

what is the harm writing Omeprazole ( Reddys lab) instead of Omez
Both are same company, same quality but differential pricing.
Our right to choose the company will remain.
After all we can not get a generic generic drug from jan aushidhi unless we write jan aushidhi
Dear friends,
we should only write the cheapest molecule drug available from the same company without compromising the quality.

1. Write CAPITAL
Write Legible
Write NLEM
Write Generic Generic of Jan Aushidhi or a standard company...
