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National Health Policy 2017.

To better the health land scape of the country, the govt must put its focus and finances on primary&preventive care.

Primary care facilities need to be upgraded, provided with basic diagnostic facilities and funded to be able to lure doctors and nurses to work in remote corners of the country.

Another turn around measure is that all MBBS doctors should be trained as Specialists in any one of the clinical subjects .the govt be able to provide postgraduate training to every single newly qualified doctor. In fact, it should be a mandatory requirement before any doctor is given independent practicing privileges.

another crucial thing to be happened in our country is understanding the doctors! the govt,policy makers, legislature,media and judiciary  need to understand that doctors can only provide patient-centric care when they have a reasonable workload and have a socially fulfilling and economically productive life. 

Another  important aspect the govt  must address is strained "doctor-society" relationship!  When ever things go wrong, the blame is often wrongly placed at the shoulder of front line junior doctors without even an attempt to understand that the people really responsible for these failures are those managers (senior doctors included), bureaucrats, and politicians who fail to ensure the well-being of these doctors and provide them with  minimum requirement of infrastructure.

An important development one should envision is, "all secondary care should  be available at district hospitals".
Are these issues are addressed in our new National health policy-2017?
