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National IMA solidarity Day' ​january 17th.

·       Drug reaction- culprit is doctor.(3Doctors were arrested in Madhyapradesh for anaphylactic reaction).
·       egoistic action of political goondas - sitting duck is doctor(One MP of karnataka manhandled doctor)
·       cold blooded murder - soft target is doctor .(Dr.Bansal of allahabad was murdered in his own hospital).
How many times we are hearing such sad state of doctors?  For how many more years we are going to allow such barbaric attacks on doctors? entire medical fraternity is scape goat for the failure of the govt. entire medical profession is in shambles.
wake up doctor- join the stir- Agitate....until your voice heard!
Show your dissent by wearing black badges on
National IMA solidarity Day' january 17th. & submit memorandums to nearest authorities&Media.
