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Mosquito bite is an accident !

Every dengue, malaria death now can have claim under accident policy.
Death by mosquito bite an accident, insurer must pay up: National Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission (NCDRC).
Now NCDRC has held that  malaria death caused by mosquito bite is an accident, and directed the insurer to honor the claim.

The commission also cited Black's Law dictionary that describes an accident as "an unanticipated and untoward event that causes harm".

The national commission observed that the insurance companies had included snake bites, dog bites and frost bites under the `accident' category.

one should spread this message to all patients and also regarding "Pradhan Mantri Suraksha Bima Yojana" which  covers accidental death and disability cover of Rs 2 lakh at a premium of Rs 12 per year. 
it reminds us  an old judgment (Judgment-2012 : National Consumer Disputes Redressal) in a case of Life Insurnace Corporation Of ... vs Shri Narender Singh on 2 July, 2012: REVISION PETITION NO.  2056 OF 2012  - 

so, if we can apply the above judgment in any medical mishap,which can be an error, deficiency of service, error of judgment, medical negligence or gross medical negligence and if  we can prove it as an accident one can get claim from the accident cover. 
Many cases of apparent negligence cases turned out to be accidental cases!
