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How technology will help health care

We Indians still  facing challenges in providing last mile health care delivery. Why?
  • Personality challenges: lack of hygienic behavior, careless attitude of citizens.poor adherence to vaccination programs and addiction for smoking,alcohol and drugs.
  • Social challenges: gender discrimination, childhood marriages, poverty, illiteracy and bad banking.
  • Disease challenge: Dual disease burden. Rampant vector borne infectious diseases&malnutrition and lifestyle diseases.
  • Accessibility : Rural areas lacks  connectivity  and deficit of inclusive economy. No roads, no INTERNET and no infrastructure and no specialist  doctors and no nurses&paramedics. Lack of proper healthcare centers,testing labs and medical facilities.
  • Affordability : unequal distribution of economy, corporatization of health care, less funding from govt and rampant pilferage of resources and no monitoring and accountability.
  • poor quality of care: Due to rampant uncontrolled mushrooming of quacks,antibiotic&steroid abuse,spurious drugs and unethical practices of doctors.

 How the technology,especially Iot (internet of things),big data analytics and artificial intelligence helps?

Technology can help the rural population by providing diagnostic facilities, therapeutic knowledge and preventive and predictive technology in health care. Predictive modeling of diagnosis data and patient health record will help in identifying and preventing disease outbreak. 

AI based applications can be extremely helpful in preliminary diagnosis.

Decentralization of diagnostic testing needs to be inculcated through AI based diagnostic technology. Diagnoses that occur in real-time, provide higher levels of accuracy, operable by low skill level employees, all at an affordable price, have the probability to completely turn around clinical diagnostics. 
Rapid diagnostic tests, through the aid of AI enabled technology, have had a significant impact on screening for malaria and HIV.

Detection of diabetic retinopathy in India is a major challenge, which can be solved through incorporation of Artificial Intelligence. AI Technology can help doctors collect images of retina of diabetic patients and then run them through machines which can quickly scan the images and arrive at a collection of data. AI specialists can derive a pattern from the data and write algorithms to detect the dormant signs of the disease, ensuring an early diagnosis and prevention of the disease amongst diabetics.

video-consultation,teleradiology are two recent tools delivering excellent service to remote area patients.
Artificial Intelligence, with its ability to process data in a speedy fashion, revolutionizes health care for the future. Alongside, helping to make new discoveries, they also help doctors detect embedded/dormant signs of diseases that may manifest in some patients. Having AI enabled system as a backup helps reduce medical errors and increases productivity of medical professionals. 

From microscopes to MRI machines, helming the current scenario of health centres. The main drivers of technology today and in the future, surely are smartphones, big data and most importantly,artificial intelligence (AI).
