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Health News around the world.

1.Taking certain omega-3 fatty acid supplements during pregnancy can reduce the risk of childhood asthma by almost a third, according to a new study from the Copenhagen.

2. A new daily regimen of Fixed Dose Combinations (FDC) for TB/HIV patients was launched at the Indira Gandhi Medical College, Kathirkamam.This follows the Central TB Division deciding to adopt FDC with daily regimen wherein all the four ATT drugs are combined and packed in a single tablet to reduce the number of pills intake and to improve the patient compliance.
3.COPD is the third leading cause of death in the U.S. and even though  smoking is the biggest risk factor,however, approximately one-quarter of Americans with COPD have never smoked.
4.if we find CD36 in tumour markings,definitely the chance of metastasis is higher. Scientists have identified a specific protein called CD36 on cancer cells which has the ability to metastasise or spread. CD36, found in the cell membranes of tumour cells, is responsible for taking up fatty acids. This unique CD36 activity and dependence on fatty acids distinguishes metastasis-initiating cells from other tumour cells, says the work published in the journal Nature.
5. Meals based on legumes such as beans and peas are more satiating than pork and veal-based meals  and are more healthy and  helps to reduce the weight. 
6.IIT–Guwahati scientists develop a nanofibrous mat that can interact with cells.Indian researchers have developed a wound-healing nanofibrous mat that interacts with the body to help it heal faster and without scarring.The mat is made of a non-protein polymer (PVA) mixed with silk protein and coated with an antibiotic and epidermal growth factor. It heals wounds that have all the layers of the skin removed and are as big as 6 mm in diameter.While conventional dressing materials only absorb fluids and blood, the smart material expedites the healing process. It will be a big boon for diabetics, for whom wound-healing is very slow.
