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Clinical Research News:

1. Link between demography and geography:
        a scientific study found that being closer to the equator meant a baby girl was more likely.

2.  Link between  mother’s BP  and gender  of the child :
          Researchers from Mount Sinai Hospital in Toronto found that those with lower blood pressure tended to have a girl, while higher blood pressure was an indication that a boy was more likely to be conceived.

.  super saver Hot Mirchi …:
    The Indian long pepper contains a chemical (a chemical called Piperlongumine (PL), which has shown activity against many cancers including prostate, breast, lung, colon, lymphoma, leukemia, primary brain tumors and gastric cancer.

It could stop your body from producing an enzyme that is commonly found in tumors in large numbers, according to the study in Journal of Biological Chemistry.
PL converts to hPL, an active drug that silences a gene called GSTP1. The GSTP1 gene produces a detoxification enzyme that is often overly abundant in tumors, the study said.

4. No need of blood transfusions …:
       In the near future, hemophiliacs could be able to treat their disease by simply swallowing a capsule.

The researchers at Cockrell School of Engineering at The University of Texas designed the oral delivery system, which contains micro and nano particles, to carry a protein therapy that treats hemophilia B.
5. Macrophages are the Key:
      When certain immune cells can’t manufacture fat, the mice don’t develop diabetes and inflammation, even when consuming a high-fat diet.
They did not develop the insulin resistance and diabetes that normally would have been induced by a high-fat diet.”

Researchers found that if macrophages could not synthesize fat from within, the external membranes of those cells could not respond to fat from outside the cells. That prevented the cells from contributing to inflammation.
But eliminating inflammation altogether is not the answer to preventing diabetic complications because inflammation is also vital for clearing infectious pathogens from the body and helps wounds heal.

“An inhibitor of fatty acid synthase actually is now in clinical trials as a potential cancer treatment,” he explained. “And other drugs have been developed to inhibit fatty acid synthase in diabetes, too. One possibility that our work suggests is that altering the lipid content in the cell membrane may help block cancer metastases and complications of diabetes.”
6.Night Shifts increase the risk of Coronary heart Disease- Study

researchers found that  who work more than 10 years of rotating night shift work had a 15 to 18 percent increased risk of developing coronary heart disease (CHD),
