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Good news to cardiac patients......

Coronary stents set to get cheaper

  • The DoP issued a notification on Wednesday putting bare metal stents, drug eluting stents and biodegradable stents in schedule-I of the DPCO.
  • This means that the National Pharmaceutical Pricing Authority (NPPA) can now start the process of fixing ceiling prices for them.
  • According to the Cardiology Society of India, 4.2 lakh angioplasties were performed in India in 2015 with an estimated 95% of the stents used being drug eluting. With no price control on stents, at an avera ge price of Rs 80,000 for a drug eluting stent, about Rs 3,000 crore was being spent annually by patients on such stents.
  • one more sweet news is that there is a growing body of evidence indicating that chocolate and cocoa flavanols exert beneficial effects on blood pressure, endothelial function, insulin sensitivity, and lipoprotein concentrations. There is also data indicating that chocolate consumption is inversely associated with stroke incidence and cardiovascular disease mortality.
