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Controversial points in cardiology. Do we need clinical audit?

since few years the stalwarts across the globe questioning the coronary angioplasty,the most widely abused intervention. their point of concern is as follows:
Almost all our angioplasties are unnecessary. The blocks in fact do not usually critically restrict blood flow to the heart muscle. If the doctor studies the FFR (Flow Fraction Ratio) across a block, almost 90 per cent of the so called critical blocks become benign to be left alone. To my knowledge, no hospital in India does the FFR although they do sundry tests for money. In essence, the only indication for an angioplasty is immediately after a heart attack— if the vessel blocked is the one causing the attack. 

Dr.B.M.Hegde ,eminent cardiologist and former V.C. of manipal university and true gabdhian in medical industry, comments that Modern medicine abounds in dogmas: many procedures are not scientifically audited. Every hypothesis is true until refuted by new ideas. Today, knowledge in the medical field is replaced by information. Thus, doctors rely only on data and not wisdom. The so called evidence based medicine is really evidence burdened.
so,what we urgently need is clinical auditing of the procedures and interventions.
