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IMA Satyagraha on 16/11/2016... Be Ready!

IMA Satyagraha
IMA HQ:   will arrange Dharna in Jantar Mantar where all the national leaders will  participate. 
All members of IMA in and around Delhi NCR will join .
States:        State Branches shall arrange dharna in all district headquarters. 
Time10 AM to 1PM
Memoranda to the Prime Minister will be submitted to the District collector to be forwarded to the Central Government.
                    On the run up to action on 16/11/2016 the following will be carried out:
1.      Press statements from IMA hq and all state branches.
2.      Protest through sending emails to the Prime Minister from members and local and state branches.
3.      Emergency SWC or action committee meetings in all states.
4.      Creation of an action fund in all states.
5.      30% of the action fund collected shall be forwarded to IMA HQ.
6.      IMA Hq will coordinate with all speciality organisations.
7.      Liaison with the local MPs of the State & Local Branches.
8.      Liaison with the Union ministers, MPs and national political parties will be carried out by IMA HQ.
9.      The state branches should immediately start liason work with state Governments, MLAs and political parties at state level.
10.  Coordination of medical students is being done by IMA Hq. Students are expected to participate in large numbers on 16.11.16. Local branches with medical colleges should provide logistical support to the students. State branches should organise and support state level student movement.
11.   Feedback to IMA HQs on preparations and D Day reporting on 16.11.16 will be appreciated.
12.   IMA HQs will organise dedicated series of Webcast on IMA Demands.
13.   Standard slogans and poster designing will be forwarded by IMA Hq.
IMA Satyagraha         Empower IMA


  1. Great effort by IMA at All India Level, It was planned last year but was cancelled due to reasons unknown. I wish all of us success.

    I suggest the memorandum to be submitted is to be circulated to all members of IMA by Email immediately.


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