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CDs &NCDs &Indian ?

what is meant by non-communicable diseases?
Un-like infectious diseases, NCDs are non contagious and are due to faulty life style. where infectious diseases are of  microbial,these NCDs are of  faulty habits.contagious diseases spread through contact. but life style diseases  spreading through un-hygienic culture of the society.
the spread of contagious diseases is not in our hands directly but NCDs can be preventable by good healthy habits.
Smoking or chewing tobacco, physical inactivity, excessive consumption of alcohol, and a preference for highly processed foods are voluntary choices with a direct, harmful impact on health.
Nearly 80 per cent of these NCD deaths occurred in low and middle-income countries.

why its a grave concern?
 Because any morbidity could sap out not only family but also its a huge economical burden on the society&country! Our country is in the category of  “lower middle” income group.
our country already burdened with communicable diseases.Around 37 per cent of deaths in India are caused due to communicable, maternal, prenatal and nutritional conditions.

Now, India is worst affected by non-communicable diseases  in South Asia with around 38 per cent of premature deaths of males and 32.1 per cent of females below 60 years.

where is the fault with the govt? 
Govts  are insensitive and ill informed. Due to this, their plans and priorities have no sustainable vision to facilitate good health practises among the public.
what choice do citizens have, if cities expand at the cost of walking, exercising and cycling, If city governments are more sensitive to petrol and diesel prices, and road building than to pedestrian facilities and public transport?
