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Why and how MCI should be revamped?

The ground level opinion is ," there is total system failure due to which the medical education system is fast sliding downwards and the quality has been hugely sidelined in the context of increasing commercialization of medical education and practice," 
so,the govt had constituted two committees. one is parliamentary committee and another is 3member committee headed by Nitiayog Vice-Chairman Arvind Panagariya . 

1. The three-member committee has proposed to set up an altogether new body with three pronged approach - career, enterprise and ethics.

2. a parliamentary committee had called for revamping the MCI saying, it has failed in its role as a regulator which has led to a downfall in India's medical education system.

  • MCI has failed to create a curriculum that produces doctors suited to Indian context, specially in rural and poor urban areas, the panel had said.
  • It also failed to maintain uniform standards of undergraduate and postgraduate medical education.
  • "There is devaluation of merit in admission, particularly in private medical institutions due to prevalence of capitation fees, which make medical education available only to the rich and not necessarily to the most deserving," the Committee said.
  • MCI failed in setting up medical colleges in country as per need, resulting in geographical mal-distribution of medical colleges, with clustering in some states and absence in several others, acute shortage of medical teachers and abysmal doctor-population ratio, the panel said.
  • MCI has failed to oversee and guide the continuing medical education in the country, leaving this important task in the hands of the commercial private industry.
  • MCI also failed to instill respect for a code of ethics in medical professionals and take disciplinary action against doctors found violating the code, the report said.
