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The ten behaviours that the ACE 10/10 program recommends for parents:

  1. Encourage eating wholesome breakfast
  2. Discourage foods high on sugar, fat and salt to avoid weight gain
  3. Instill habit of having at least 6-8 glasses of water or fresh juices
  4. Ensure regular sound sleep of 8 hours ; discourage sleeping too much or too little
  5. Monitor school performance and studies every day
  6. Be observant of change in the behaviors; ensure communication & use teachable moments
  7. Know and stay connected with the friends
  8. Ensure 3 visits to the Paediatrician at the 10th year for physical and psychological check-up and then yearly visits to monitor growth and development
  9. Vaccinate boys and girls with Tdap vaccine
  10. Vaccinate girls at 10 years with HPV vaccine.
