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A simple blood test may be used to diagnose five types of cancers - colon, lung, breast, stomach and womb - at early stages, scientists say. Researchers from National Institute of Health (NIH) in US have identified a striking signature in tumour DNA that occurs in these types of cancers."an elevated methylation signature around the gene known as ZNF154 that is unique to tumours," 

In a notification on January 28, the government withdrew the concessional customs duty on 76 key drugs "in public interest".Of this, 47 drugs figure in NLEM 2015.
The prices of certain life-saving drugs for diseases, including cancer, HIV,
haemophilia, diabetes and infections, may go up by 10-25% for both imported and indigenously-produced drugs with the government's recent tweaking of the levies - removing customs duty waiver as well as imposing excise duty.

Soon, common entrance exam for medical courses-
 the health ministry is set to move a Cabinet note proposing changes to the Indian Medical Council (IMC) Act, 1956 that will allow a single common medical entrance test for both undergraduate and postgraduate medical courses in all colleges across the country, including private colleges and deemed universities.
The move is in line with the recommendations made by the Medical Council of India (MCI) in October-2015. According to an MCI note, more than 90 entrance examinations are conducted annually for admission to MBBS courses for about 300 medical colleges in the country.
"We have proposed that the common entrance test should be conducted by a competent authority identified by the ministry in consultation with the MCI," a senior official in the council said.
Every year, admission tests are conducted for over 32,000 undergraduate and 13,000 postgraduate seats in medical colleges in the country.

Improve public health:   if we just provide clean drinking water and sanitation we can save millions of children each year which is far more than all the hospital in this country put together and that will cost you less than 0.1 % of your healthcare budget.Government should focus on preventive care by providing clean drinking water, sanitation, vaccination and awareness of healthcare among general public.

medical education scenario today -100,000 apply to get a medical seat and less than a 1000 or 5000 get into the medical college. Once you have passed your MBBS there is a huge bottle neck. There are one third the number of post graduate seats as compared to under graduate seats as its opposite in the US. As a result most of these MBBS doctors are jobless.
